Sesa Goa says taken locals into confidence before expansion

Sesa Goa Limited which was asked by the state pollution control board to suspend operations at its Navelim plant has said that it had taken consent of the locals before planning its expansion at the site.

PTI | AUGUST 27, 2012, 09:14 AM IST

Goa State Pollution Control Board (GSPCB) recently orderedstopping of all activities of Sesa Goa's Metallurgical Coke Plant, which wasgoing through expansion phase, following protests by locals.

Villagers on Monday demanded shutdown of the operations atthe plant citing rise in pollution.

Denying the allegations, a Sesa Goa spokesman today said thecompany had started its expansion project after holding extensive discussionsand signing a written agreement with public representatives, including MLAs,Navelim village panchayat and even Navelim Temple committee.

Admitting that misfiring of two burners on August 17-18 atthe plant caused pollution, the company said, "the burners wereimmediately set right".

"Sesa Goa remains committed to maintain higheststandards of environmental safeguards and regrets the accidentalmisfiring," the spokesman said, adding the company is willing to undertakeany other practical measures to restore confidence of the local population.

The GSPCB issued the notice following demand of locals toshutdown the operations after growing suspension of black soot in theatmosphere.

The GSPCB had observed that the iron ore producer andexporter has not carried out ambient air quality monitoring since June 2012.

"The continuous ambient air monitoring station has notyet been commissioned," the notice said, adding "the conditionsstipulated in the consent to operate orders are not adhered to".

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