Tuesday 11 Mar 2025

Exit Vasco, enter Baina

Overcrowding, chaos and garbage mess forces “saptah” to move out of Vasco

Ahva D’Souzaa | The Goan | AUGUST 01, 2012, 02:51 PM IST
Exit Vasco, enter Baina

Issak Agri from Hubli has been selling his stainlesssteel products at the Saptha for ten years. This year however, his sales have reducedby 10 per cent in comparison to 2010.  He said “It was busy on a Sunday but hardlyany business was conducted during the week. We hope business will pickup in the final few days.”

Issakis one of many stall vendors who sells his wares evenafter the Saptha ends. A few meters away, Ismail another vendor from Hubli isselling plastic wares. He has been coming to the Saptha for two years and agrees with Isaaks that sales have droppedby 10 percent.   

However thisannual shopping festival is turning out to be majorhindrance for the general public inthe town. Anthony Fernandes a resident said “The roads are crowded and despite mobile toilets being providedstall owners defecate in the open. Rubbish is strewn all over the place.Hygiene standards are pathetic.”

TheMMC has collected Rs 6, 62,350 as of July 28. MMC officials expect collections to cross Rs 10 lakhs.  It remains to be seen if this number can beachieved given that officials claim that there are 400-500 stalls but vendors confirmedthere are over 600 stalls.

Allthis will end next year when the fair shifts to Baina. Agnelo Fernandes, chief officer said “In Baina there is ample space for parking. The present location is placinga strain on the government machinery.”

TheMMC has been increasing the rent for space since 2009. Prior to 2009, rent fora four square metre space was Rs 400. In 2010 it was increased to Rs 800and to Rs 1,000 in 2012. Furniture for 15 days will cost Rs 1,500.

MMCofficials claimed these charges did not involve rent for electricity.  Sanjiv a junior engineer at the Vascoelectricity department said “These are all temporary connections for which eachvendor has to pay a security deposit. After the Saptha, we will account the consumption of each shop and charge them. Wehave maintained a separate register for the Saptha.”

HoweverIssak claimed that they were being charged Rs 100 everyday for the supply of power.

NitinChopdekar, councilor ward 6 said that most of the revenue generated was spentin clearing all the garbage. This year the MMC collected Rs 11,350 by issuing fines for polluting the place.

Withno audit being conducted on the earnings, perhaps itis time for the MMC to streamline theirsystem to avoid slip ups. 

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