Culture is preserved because different cultural forms are transmitted from one generation to another.
Whenwe talk of generations we think of children who accept those cultural aspects,grow up by using and strengthening those cultural forms among them and finallywhen these children become parents and grandparents, they make concertedefforts to preserve it for posterity through their children.
Ifwe have our tiatr so vibrant till date, it is because the activity of tiatr istransmitted from generation to generation through children during the last 120years of its existence. Therefore there is urgent need for the lovers of tiatrto see that more and more children are attracted towards tiatr, its song andmusic. An atmosphere of love towards tiatr among the children needs to becreated. The future of tiatr does depend on children. No dramatic form cansurvive without children’s participation in it.
Inthe present times, we see that tiatrs are staged to packed houses in thecities. If one observes the type of audience that patronises tiatr, it isgratifying to note that there are at least 35 to 40% youth attending theseperformances. But if we analyze the percentage of children among the performersof tiatr, I feel a lot has to be done to involve more children and youth in theproduction of tiatrs. The direct involvement of children alone can strengthenthe foundation of Tiatr.
Wehave three categories of tiatrs in Goa; one staged by commercial artistes, thesecond staged by non-commercial artistes and the third by children themselves.Commercial artistes stage thousands of shows of their tiatrs throughout Goa allacross the year. Very few children participate in these tiatrs. Non-commercialartistes mostly participate in the annual Tiatr Festival organized by KalaAcademy Goa. A large number of children participate in these festivals. Thethird category is the Children’s Tiatr Festival organized by Tiatr Academy Goa.However, these festivals happen only once a year. Hence there is a need to takemeasures to engage children in tiatr activities for more time.
Campusof schools and colleges is a fertile ground to cultivate the love of tiatr, itssong and music in the hearts of children. Tiatr-related activities need to be organisedregularly. Competitions like singing of kantaram,writing songs and scripts of tiatrs, acting, etc may be organised in order todiscover the talents in the students. Seminars and workshops should be organisedthrough which interested children and youth will be technically guided toperform in better way. Incentives to these students may also be given toencourage and attract more children and youth towards the tiatr activities.
As tiatr is commercially successful in the state of Goa, theparents too should encourage their children to participate in tiatrs. A talentedand hardworking artist can make his living with the help of tiatr. This canlook after the financial aspects. Today, the tiatr artistes are respected andhonoured for their contribution to the culture of Goa. Thus the question ofstatus too is taken care of. Therefore, let us try to inculcate the love oftiatr in our children and youth and attract them towards this unique dramaticform of Goa – the tiatr.
Tomazinho Cardozo is the former president of the TAG