Thursday 02 Jan 2025

Traffic snarls in Yuvraj Rane's den

Valpoi MLA’s pet market project throws traffic out of gear in the city

Uday Sawant / The Goan | AUGUST 08, 2012, 07:47 AM IST
Traffic snarls in Yuvraj Rane's den

Nobody questions development projects in Valpoi as it hasformer Health Minister / Valpoi MLA Vishwajeet Rane’s blessings. HoweverValpois development is causing traffic headaches to this Sattri taluka’sbusiness hub.

Volpoi an under developed municipal area received a boostwith major infrastructure being created in the last five years. Vishwajeet Raneapproved several of these developmental projects when he was a minister in thepast government.

But sadly with development comes problems. Trafficcongestion continues to be a major cause of concern. The slow pace of workparticularly the construction of the new market construction has contributed tothis.

This was a pet project of Rane. Conceptualized around threeyears ago it should have been completed in 15 months. However, oneof the tenants from the existing market who was not sure if he would beallotted space in the new market moved the courts. The project subsequently gotdelayed for three years and started after the court ruled in favour of the newmarket.

However even after 15 months the work continues at a snail’space. The market is in the heart of the town and the ongoing construction hasnarrowed roads in the area inconveniencing everyone. 

The area gets congested in the morning and at noon,especially during school hours, when vehicular traffic is thrown out of gear.Although officials are aware of the problem they have failed to come up with asolution.

“The municipal officials have witnessed the traffic woes buthave no will to take the appropriate decision,” said Rama Sawant a motorcyclepilot.

“We have taken temporary measures to solve the trafficproblem by shifting the last bus halt in the city to the outskirts” says UmeshGulelkar, Chairperson Valpoi Muncipal Council. “Once the new bus stand is readyoutside the market area, the problem will be solved for good”.

Vijay Kudtarkar a general merchant blamed the ValpoiMunicipality for failing to act. He said “ Invariably it is the common man whosuffers.”

According to Valpoi Municipality Vendor AssociationPresident Atul Datye, the delay in completing the ongoing projects in the townhas majorly contributed to this traffic congestion in Valpoi. 

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