Wednesday 12 Mar 2025

26/11 terrorist Ajmal Kasab hanged

PTI | NOVEMBER 21, 2012, 05:05 AM IST

Ajmal Kasab, the sole surviving terrorist from the 26/11terror attack, was hanged to death at the Yerawada Jail in Pune this morning,Maharashtra Home Minister R R Patil today said.

Kasab was hanged at 7.30 am, he said here.

25-year-old Kasab had been lodged in the Arthur Jail Roadhere ever since he was arrested immediately after the attack in 2008. He wasconvicted and given capital punishment by the trial court on May 6, 2010 whichwas upheld by the Bombay High Court on February 21, 2011.

The Supreme Court subsequently upheld the sentence on August29 this year.

"Due process of law has been followed," Patil saidadding that hanging came after the President of India rejected his mercypetition on November 8.

"This is a true homage to the innocent victims,including policemen and security personnel, who laid down their lives," hesaid.

166 persons had died in the attack. Police had succeeded incapturing Kasab alive after killing the remaining nine terrorists.

"Attack on Mumbai was an attack on the entirecountry," Patil said.

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