Wednesday 12 Mar 2025

30 percent rise in Excise earnings

The department on track to achieve Rs 222 crore target

Navin Jha / The Goan | FEBRUARY 16, 2013, 09:59 AM IST

The state Excise department which ranks fourth in terms ofcollection of earnings has maintained their record, after they achieved theirtargeted increase of 30 percent. Under its new commissioner Menino D’ Souza,the department is constantly working on a war footing and planning strategiesto keep the earnings on track to meet its fresh target.

According to the information received from the state ExciseDepartment the department which collect fees and cess through various avenues,collected Rs 181.12 crores in the financial year 2011-12 as against Rs 139.1crores in the year 2010-11, which reflects a 30 percent increase. In 2009-10the total revenue collected was Rs 104.4 cr while in the current financial yearthe department has collected Rs 160 crores as of January this year.

The Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar has increased exciseduty and fee structure on Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) manufactured inGoa, on liquor imported from other parts of the country and on liquor importedfrom abroad.  Similarly, excise duty onbeer was also enhanced besides introduction of a fee on transfer of licence forbottling and blending of country liquor. A 2 percent VAT hike on IMFL was alsoeffected thus making more scope for revenue generation to the state.

Presently the department has collected a major share of feesin form of excise duty on Indian made foreign liquors, also from countryliquors which is through auctioning, and on other fees like bottling andlabeling fees, manufacturing license fees, bar license fees, import and exportfees, occasional license fees, and on liquor permits.

“As the duty of the Department of excise is to increaserevenue to the state, we work on a target module and  keep an achievable target every month, thusfollowing this year’s target of Rs. 222 crores which was set earlier and wouldcertainly be achieved” said D’ Souza.

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