Saturday 29 Mar 2025

Celebrating the golden generation

The TAG organised initiative at the end of September focused on the celebration of tiatr artistes from bygone years who have embellished the art with their talent

Team Goan | OCTOBER 06, 2012, 07:17 AM IST

Tiatr Academy Goa organized a special programme to remembertiatr artistes who were born in the month of September and have been called totheir heavenly rest. The artistes who were born in the month of September andcontributed immensely towards the development of tiatr, its song and music wereremembered at a special function on September 27 at Ravindra Bhavan, Margao.

The six artistes who were born in September month andremembered at the function were Prem Kumar one of the greatest art directors ofthe Konkani stage, Filomena Braz a passionate actor who paved the way for otherfemale artistes on the Tiatr stage, Remmie Colaco a well-known lyricist,singer, director, playwright who immortalised the song ‘Ankvar Moriechem Dukh’,Khadda Minguel better known as ‘Khellancho Raza’, Seby Coutinho a versatile andexcellent character artiste, and

Peter D’Costa a popular comedian of the tiatr stage. Thefamily members of Filomena Braz, Peter D’Costa and Remmie Colaco were presentat the function which was well attended by tiatr lovers and several othersenior tiatr artistes. Both the speakers had researched well on the lives ofthe artistes and the audience reciprocated with spontaneous response.

The President of the TAG, Prince Jacob, in his welcomeacknowledged the contribution of the artistes and stated that the purpose ofthe TAG organizing a special programme to remember them is not to make one sador emotional on their passing away, but to rejoice that the Konkani Tiatr stagewas blessed to have such stalwarts who rendered their services to uplift theart through their God given talents. He welcomed and thanked the family membersof the departed artistes who attended the function. Joe Rose, Vice President ofthe TAG, proposed the vote of thanks.

Songs composed and sung by some of the departed artisteswere enacted at the function by Soccoro de St Cruz, and Gisel Pereira, daughterof tiatr artiste Leslie Pereira. Young Gisel however stole the limelight forher beautiful rendition of Remmie Colaco’s all-time hit solo ‘Ankvar moriechemdukh’. Musician Jose accompanied the singers on the keyboards.

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