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Heart-ly a laughing matter

The Goan will tackle issues relating to orthopaedic ailments. For all your queries and solutions, mail us at with Wellness in the subject line

Fernando Monte da Silva/The Goan | FEBRUARY 02, 2013, 08:17 AM IST

Dr Antonio Rodrigues points out how taking care of yourheart is paramount

The Goan: They say that prevention is truly better than acure. In light of preventing heart attacks, what are the steps a layman shouldtake to ensure that his heart is taken care of?

Antonio Rodrigues: I would advocate a four step programme.

1. A healthy and proper diet – Less carbohydrates, more ofprotein, less oil

2. A dedicated exercise routine

3. Ensure that weight is within a controlled limit

4. Keep blood pressure and sugar in check

TG: From a medical point of view, how does one explain anotherwise healthy person getting a cardiac arrest?

AR: This in medical terms is known as a silent attack. It isthe basis of medical recommendations to everyone past the age of 30 to undergoroutine health check-ups.

TG: Yet, it is believed that cholesterol accumulates rightfrom an early age. Is this a myth that one only has to worry about after theage of 30?

AR: It is not a myth, as cholesterol accumulates right fromchildhood.

TG: With that being the given scenario, what is the routinecheck-up one should go through? Are there specific test that one needs toundergo?

AR: The most all rounded, would be a routine blood test toverify that both sugar and cholesterol are within the healthy and desiredparameters. One should also check one’s blood pressure and have a treadmilltest done after an echo.

TG: Is there a manner in which cholesterol can be controlledwithout using medicines?

AR: To a certain extent, it can. One has to control theirdiet, walk and eat walnut.

TG: Do irregular eating habits affect the heart adversely?

AR: Absolutely. As a result of habits that are irregular,one sometimes tends to eat junk food. The body’s enzyme release that isrequired for digestion gets confused.

TG: If a proper intake and diet is one of the factors thatplay a big role in heart problems, what can be termed the best and worst foodfor the heart?

AR: I believe that the best food one can consume is a lot offruit, while the worst would evidently be oil.

TG: What are the first aid steps that a person helpingsomeone who is suffering from a heart attack should take?

AR: To begin with, help the person into a sleeping position.Then, the next step would be to put an aspirin tablet under the tongue with asorbitrate tablet if available. Then, rush the person to a coronary care unit,as the greatest amount of harm is inflicted within the first hour.

On the next Wellness page, The Goan will tackle issuesrelating to orthopaedic ailments. For all your queries and solutions, mail usat with Wellness in the subject line

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