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Lawry Travasso's flowering success

Pisuddlelim Fulam is hot on the heels of its predecessor and Lawry Travasso’s debut attempt at establishing himself not just as a musician but a script writer is commendable

Daniel F de Souza / The Goan | FEBRUARY 02, 2013, 10:40 AM IST

Lawry Travasso is a much sought after tiatr artiste. Havingreleased more than 60 audio albums till date he occupies an enviable place inKonkani music. But, when it comes to scripting and producing tiatrs, he is yetto make a mark. As an amateur, he may have produced a couple of tiatrs, butwhen it comes to the professional tiatr stage experience Lawry is just a onetiatr old director and writer. His maiden tiatr as a professionalwriter-director, ‘Kagtachim Fulam’ was staged in 2012 and Lawry tasted sweetsuccess with it. 38 shows at the first attempt as a writer-director is a fairlypromising beginning.

Egged on by the success of his maiden venture, LawryTravasso is all set to release his second professional tiatr as awriter-director entitled ‘Pisuddlelim Fulam’, on February 14. The premier showwill be held in Canacona. The tiatr later moves to Margao on February 19, whereit will be staged at Ravindra Bhavan, before finally moving to Kala Academy,Panjim on March 3. Tiatr lovers from Mapusa are in for a bit of a wait as thedate for the tiatr’s presentation at the Hanuman Theatre is March 24.

Lawry Travasso is most pleased with the way the tiatr isshaping up, and said, “I already have 53 confirmed dates for the screening ofthe show in hand. I will pick up some more shortly that will take me across the60 mark.”

He is very coy about revealing the details of the plothowever, and said, “The central theme of my play revolves around the evil ofabortion in today’s society and also people’s blind faith in fake devotions andrituals. The entire comedy in the play will be interlinked to the main plotevoking laughter at every turn of events.” This statement makes plot soundquite intriguing, and it all depends how he presents it on stage to make itcome together successfully in what is a competitive field.

The cast includes Francis de Tuem, Marcus Vaz, Xavier Gomes,Tony de Ribandar, Rosy Alvares, Antonette de Curtorim, Mario Menezes, UlhasTari, Franky Gonsalves, Cruz Mascarenhas, Lawry Travasso, comedian Joana,comedian Humberto and others.

Norman Cardozo (keyboards) has scored the music for thetiatr. His line-up includes Theo Alvares and Dexter on 1st and 2nd trumpetrespectively, Mariano on the bass guitar, and Manuel on the drums. Experiencedlighting technician Piety de Navelim will handle visual effects. The showpromises a variety of solos, duets, one trio, one quartet and 3 kantos.

Another aspect of the tiatr is the introduction of Peter deArambol as a solo singer who is making inroads on to the professional tiatrcircuit. The confirmation of Lawry Travasso as an accomplished writer-directorthough depends on the actual success and acceptability of his tiatr by themasses and not necessarily on the number of shows staged.

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