Even low-level lead exposure could affect your IQ, behaviourand ability to learn, experts have warned after a study involving 22 lipstickbrands found that 55 per cent contained trace amounts of the toxic element.Underwriters Laboratories revealed that 12 of the lip products sampled testedpositive for lead with the highest levels at 3.22 parts per million.
Lead is not intentionally put in lipstick but many colouradditives are mineral-based and contain trace levels of lead naturally found insoil, water and air.
"Clearly the concerning part is that more than half ofthe lipsticks do contain lead, but half of them don't, proving that it'spossible to manufacture a lipstick without lead," said Janet Nudelman ofthe Campaign for Safe Cosmetics.
Now, 'puppy cuddles' to ease stress in students
"Stressed from exams? Come take a break from studyingand exams and play with a dog!" a flyer posted on the student union'sFacebook page reads.
Stressed out college students may just need a puppy tocuddle — and one Canadian University is providing a roomful of the littlecanines for its pupils. Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, will opena "puppy room" to students cramming for finals.
The therapy has been an instant hit, garnering over 1,300likes and 2,000 shares ever-since it was announced.
However, the success of the puppy room will likely presentits own challenge.
"What's going to be ironic is the level of stresstrying to get into this room with its popularity and all..." Facebook userDavid Foster noted.
Men with belly fat are at risk of bone loss'
Men with deep belly fat are ripe candidates for osteoporosiswhich causes bone loss and decreased bone strength, a new study has found.
Subcutaneous fat lies just below the skin, and visceral orintra-abdominal fat is located deep under the muscle tissue inthe abdominalcavity. Excess visceral fat is considered particularly dangerous, because inprevious studies it has been associated with increased risk for heart disease.A multi-center observational study designed to determine risk factors forosteoporosis - indicated that male obesity was associated with fracture risk,the researchers wanted to quantify belly fat and study its impact on bonestrength.
Men with higher visceral and total abdominal fat had lowerfailure load and stiffness, two
measures of bone strength, compared to those with lessvisceral and abdominal fat. There was no association found between age or totalBMI and bone mechanical properties.
Muscle mass however was positively associated with bonestrength.