No more goals for the Queen of Hearts

The Goan caught up with senior stage artiste Antonette Mendes, who has been know to stand out for her sensational singing of tiatr ‘Cantos’ and also for enacting emotional roles

Daniel F de Souza / The Goan | DECEMBER 15, 2012, 10:48 AM IST

Every Konkani stage artiste has something unique within. Itis this something unique that keeps them apart from each other. Antonette isspecial in many ways. Boyer wrote special roles for her and cantos thatAntonette would bring to life with her emotional rendition. Tiatr lovers justcannot forget the natural roles Antonette has performed in ‘Sonvsar Sudhorlo’,‘Ghor Dukhi Ganv Sukhi’ ‘Mauli’ etc. Some of the solos she has rendered like‘Pixem, Piti Piti Mog’, ‘Nursichem Fugansanv’, ‘Dothi Magon’ are super hits.She was the main artiste of the tiatrs written and produced by late M. Boyer,Prem Kumar J P Souzalin and so on.

Antonette’s sojourn on the Konkani stage began at young agein 1960 in a home production. From there on there was no looking back. She wasinstantly picked up by Kid Boxer, a reputed director of that time and cast herin his tiatr ‘Fuddar’. In this tiatr Antonette had the fortune of travelingoverseas to the dark continent of Africa in the midst of other senior artisteslike Alfred Rose, A M B Rose, Andrew Fernandes, Master Vaz, J P Souzalin etc.“Being my first trip overseas, I was a little scared though, and my motherentrusted me to the care of the seniors in the troupe,” recalls Antonette witha broad smile on her face.

Talking about her roots Antonette said, “I am originallyfrom the village of Goa Velha in Ilhas. However, I never lived there. Myparents were based in Mumbai and I was born and brought up there. My entirelife has been spent in Mumbai.” Antonette married Mumbai based Romeo Mendes, apopular figure in the tiatr circles from Assonora in Bardez. It was purelydestiny that brought them together though.

Talking about her marriage to Romes Mendes, she said, “Itwas not exactly a love marriage. We both met during the shooting of the Konkanifilm ‘Nirmonn’(Destiny). He played my brother in the film and he liked meinstantly. Soon thereafter, he met my father at my house home and proposed tome.” Together with her husband they have produced around 17 audio albums andthe first audio album ‘Jivit ek Sopon’ had Amitabh Bachchan making a briefintroductory speech in Konkani at the beginning.

Talking about acting tragic roles and singing sensational‘Cantos’ in tiatrs, Antonette says, “I get totally immersed in the role andemotionally involved in the cantos that are given to me. Everything then comesfrom the heart. And you know the end result.”

“I am happy and content and I have achieved everything.There are no more goals left for me. But, I will continue doing Musical Showsand serve the stage till the curtain of my life comes down.” The Queen ofHearts will continue to enthrall her fans with her sensational voice.

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