Wednesday 22 Jan 2025

Using energy to heal

Widely practiced in most parts of the world, and especially in India where it originated, pranic healing is a holistic, no-touch method of healing that treats a person on the physical, emotional and mental levels by treating the human energy field

Joyce Dias / The Goan | FEBRUARY 16, 2013, 10:00 AM IST

While it is an unfortunate fact that many of us lead hurriedlives and are too busy to take care of ourselves, a healthy mind, body andspirit is everyone’s ultimate goal and the inclination to explore and useancient sciences/healing/treatment methods – most of which originated here inthe East – is decidedly becoming the trend.

Pranic healing is one such ancient science that was adaptedby the founder of modern pranic healing, Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, who after30 years of practice devised scientific protocols for every ailment.

The name pranic stems from the word Prana which is Sanskritfor ‘life force’. “Pranic healing is a simple science that uses energy to healphysical and psychological ailments. In pranic healing, we use prana (energy)to heal ailments in the body by manipulation of the person’s energy field,”says Master Raja Meghani, a practitioner and trustee of the Pranic HealingFoundation of South Mumbai.

The energy body is a glob of light that extends 4-5 inchesaround the physical body and follows its shape and contours. This energy body –called the inner aura – is visible to those with clairvoyant perception. “Whenwe talk about healing, we are actually talking about balancing the inner aura,”says Meghani.

Like the physical body has organs, the energy body also hasorgans called ‘chakras’. These 11 chakras are energy centres that energise andcontrol the vital organs of the body. “Basically if a chakra has dirty orcontaminated energy, it will result in the nadis being blocked. A nadi is anenergy channel. The chakras are connected to the organs through energy channelsor meridians or nadis. If there is some dirty energy in the energy body, itwill get inside the nadis and cause a blockage. If the nadis are blocked, theorgans are continuously fed with stale energy or used-up energy. In the longrun, the organs become diseased or unwell. To fix the chakras, you remove thedirty energy, clean the nadis using the system that is taught in pranichealing, and allow fresh energy to flow through,” says Meghani.

Pranic healing is a method of no-touch healing as the healerdoes not touch the physical body; it is the energy body that is touched. Afterthe act of ‘cleansing’ the nadis, the next step is energising the affected bodyparts by infusing them with fresh prana. Prana is got from the environment.

“There are three types of prana: the air prana, ground pranaand solar prana. So when you energise, you are synthesising these three sourcesof prana in your system and projecting that energy to the patient. So you neverreally get depleted as you take energy from the environment and give it to thepatient. You are like a channel.” Meghani adds.

Pranic healing is not an alternative therapy, it iscomplimentary healing. An example in India would be the Apollo General Hospitalin Chennai where a group of pranic healers perform healing in addition toallopathic treatment.

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