And India’s dirtiest cities are...
In a survey of 4242
cities and 1.9 crore
citizens, focused
on collection of
segregated waste
and maintenance till
processing, treatment
& reuse of wastewater,
curtailing solid wastebased
air pollution
among other factors,
here are the country's
dirtiest cities
| AUGUST 24, 2020, 04:59 PM IST
![And India’s dirtiest cities are...](
Indwwore has once again doneMadhya Pradesh proud by beingadjudged as the cleanest city ofIndia for the fourth time in a rowin the Swachh Survekshan awards2020 announced on Thursday.Swachh Survekshan 2020 is a surveyconducted by the Union Housingand Urban Affairs Ministry to rankthe cleanest cities of the country. Thesurvey is commissioned by the Ministryof Urban Development and is theworld’s largest cleanliness survey.Gujarat’s Surat is on second spotand Maharashtra’s Navi Mumbai ison third.However, there was little to cheerfor Bihar as several of its cities sat at thebottom of the cleanliness list.As per the results of the Swachh Survekshan2020, Patna and Gaya are the dirtiestcities in the countryThe survey focused on collection segregatedwaste and maintenance till processingsite, treatment and reuse of wastewater,curtailing solid waste-based air pollution,among other factors. While cities like Indoremanaged to remain at the top position,there were some cities that scored poorlydue to mismanagement and were in the bottom10. Here are the country’s dirtiest cities-This year, a total of 4242 cities weresurveyed within 28 days. Feedback from1.9 crore citizens was collected for the completelypaperless survey.