Wednesday 16 Oct 2024

@wanderlust_foodies_ unveils Goa’s essence, one post at a time

@wanderlust_foodies_ unveils Goa’s essence, one post at a time

For Ashrafi Gaikwad, a digital content creator, it began as casual personal posts in 2011, gradually transforming into a dedicated platform, leading to the creation of her Instagram page, @wanderlust_foodies_, in 2020. The page combines her love for travel and food, offering followers a glimpse into her culinary adventures while highlighting the vibrant culture and lifestyle of Goa. Handling everything herself, from photography and video editing to adding a personal touch with her Konkani voice-overs, Ashrafi’s content has won her a loyal audience. Planning to explore Goa’s traditions even further, she plans to offer a deeper insight into Goa’s rich heritage

The start

I began my journey on social media around 2011. At that time, I was posting updates on my personal profile. Slowly, my posts started gaining attention, and I built a substantial following. My posts were mostly about what I was doing and the places I visited. Eventually, I began sharing food-related content, which attracted a new audience. Some of my followers suggested I create a separate page for this food content, and that is how @wanderlust_foodies_ was born in 2020. This was mainly because my personal page focused on my lifestyle and travels. The name reflects my passion for travel and food, as I share the dishes I try during my travels to different places.

I also cover travel and lifestyle aspects relevant to my brand. Through this page, I highlight events, traditions, food, and lifestyle in Goa and other places I visit.

Initial steps

When I created the Instagram page, I was new to this kind of content. I started by posting pictures, and eventually, I began posting videos. I was also contacted by other creators, from Goa and beyond, who either sought my advice or shared tips to help improve my content. By observing audience reactions, I gradually refined my approach. With small experiments, I began to see improvements in my work.


I taught myself all the skills needed to create my content. Through experimentation and learning from others, I’ve come a long way since I started. I tried hiring professionals to assist me, but I was never satisfied with their work; they couldn’t replicate my style. So, I decided to handle everything myself, from photography and video recording to voice-overs and editing.

Unique aspects

I believe my Konkani voice-overs set me apart. Some followers have told me that they can recognise my videos just by listening to the audio, which I think is significant. It’s likely my speaking style that draws the audience to my content.

I also aim to highlight different aspects of Goan culture. Sometimes, I create videos out of curiosity, and they unexpectedly go viral. For instance, I made a video about Ganesh Chaturthi Matoli Saman Bazaar, showcasing the various wild and cultivated items being sold, and it received a great response. Many people asked me to interview the sellers next year about how and where they source these items. Recently, I created videos on Navratri that focus on Makharotsav and the importance of celebrating this tradition. These videos have received a huge response, and many people have requested more content that showcases Goan culture.


My main challenge is to keep improving my content with every post. I find this the hardest part because, as a creator, I need to keep doing new things. This is tough since I post content frequently. Time management and maintaining consistency are also challenging. I dedicate at least 3-4 hours daily to my page. Balancing content creation with my business is not easy. There’s a lot of trial and error behind each post. Staying consistent is crucial; if I delay my posts, I see a drop in engagement. To maintain high engagement, I need to post regularly, and since I do everything myself, there are no breaks.

Plans for the future

I want to expand my page beyond food to explore Goan culture more deeply, highlighting its unique aspects. This is important as the landscape is changing rapidly, and some things may be lost over time. If I can help document them, it will be a great service to Goa. Additionally, I aim to show tourists the nuances of our culture, as they often only see surface-level aspects of Goa.

Advice for newcomers

First and foremost, it’s essential to stay consistent and have a content plan. Simply dedicating time isn’t enough; delivering quality content is crucial. Choose a subject you know well and can create content about regularly. Avoid stressing over content creation; it should be a way to express your creativity and uniqueness. Although the content may seem effortless, a lot of effort goes into it, so keep that in mind before you start.

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