Thursday 19 Sep 2024

Rogue, law-breaking policemen must be shown the door

| SEPTEMBER 14, 2024, 12:56 AM IST

The fierce roadside brawl on Wednesday between two policemen at Banastarim has made headlines across the State, embarrassed the force and exposed the chinks in policing adding to the ridicule the men in khaki have been facing in recent times. A policeman attached to the Mormugao police station and his family have been charged with assaulting a Traffic Cell ASI at Banastarim. It was reported that an altercation flared up after the accused was stopped for riding a bike without his helmet, lane-cutting and sporting a fancy number plate in violation of the Motor Vehicle Act. It was alleged that the accused began assaulting the traffic ASI after he began writing the challan. A day after the incident, it came to light that the accused police constable left his jurisdiction without the permission of his superiors although he had completed his duty shift. 

While the police leadership acted swiftly, booked the accused and followed it up with a suspension, the ugly incident which went viral on social media has once again exposed the murky side of policing. Such incidents of open confrontations and physical assaults don’t bode well for a force that is already tainted with charges of various kinds. Police extorting money, some caught on camera running roughshod over citizens in distress, and news reports of senior police officers partying by visiting pubs and discos, while some even committing suicide have severely dented the image of the men in khaki.

Recently, the police force was left red-faced after an internal note went public where the Superintendent of Police (Headquarters) flagged concerns of narcotic use, alcoholism and gambling at several police stations. The note mentioned that policemen were often found intoxicated or indulging in gambling at their places of work during working hours. The district SPs were directed to conduct surprise visits while the officers in charge were asked to compile a list of such errant police.

Although police are required to undergo rigorous training at various levels, including disciplining and building mental toughness, we still find several ‘black sheep’ in the fleet who often throw their weight around and violate protocols with impunity, let aside the use of narcotics, alcoholism and gambling. A policeman at any level, is expected to be law-abiding and uphold the dignity that comes with the uniform. There is a certain level of conduct required of every single policeman because they are law-keepers and people look upon them as guardians of law and order. ‘Singham’ styled cops who flash gold jewellery neck chains and bracelets, sport aviator sunglasses and ruthlessly wear an arrogance on their sleeve do not exactly fit into the template.

The question here is overseeing bad behaviour and unruly conduct in the police. Against the bad name that the force is getting in recent times, the leadership should have been cautious. There should have been mechanisms and stringent checks and balances to ensure that errant policemen don’t cross the line. Policemen talking on cellphones while on duty, while others openly throw their weight around and intimidate the common man shows that there is utter disregard to the hierarchy and the people of Goa. It’s time that the new DGP instils discipline and shows rogue cops the door.

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