Saturday 15 Mar 2025

‘Celebrities Goa’ launched for lifestyle community

Platform to give Goan celebrities across world a voice on national, international stage

‘Celebrities Goa’ launched for lifestyle community

Monty Sally along with some of the celebrities during the launch of ‘Celebrities Goa’.


Goan celebrities have stood out around the world for their individual achievements and now, a recently launched lifestyle community aims to take them to another level.

Claimed to be the first community of its kind, ‘Celebrities Goa’ has been founded by Celbert Dias and Monty Sally, who are based in Goa, and US-based Milroy Goes, as a lifestyle community to provide a wide range of celebrities a platform to showcase their talent and give Goan artistes a voice on the national as well as the international stage.

“‘Dreams that become’ is the phrase that exemplifies the core strength of ‘Celebrities Goa’. This is the gateway to an exclusive lifestyle community. ‘Dreams that become’ is our caption as we seek to make all our dreams come true. ‘Celebrities Goa’ is the first such lifestyle community for Goans across the world,” explains Dias.

“Whether you are a fashion designer, singer, actor, entrepreneur, MC, stage anchor, DJ, magician, limbo artist, musician, social media influencer, hair and makeup artist, blogger, sports personality, content creator, web or graphics designer, movie director, producer, pageant, title winner, dancer, brand ambassador, photographer, even a lay person or social worker, there's something in it for everyone.”

Justifying the need for the 'Celebrities Goa' lifestyle community, Dias said: “There was indeed a great need for ‘Celebrities Goa’ as an all-encompassing community that covers various categories because Goa lacked the culture, drive, and the right forum to channelise and nurture its celebrities.”

“At ‘Celebrities Goa’, we plan to channelise existing and upcoming talent and leverage them to a level wherein they are provided the right platform to showcase their wares, talents, etc.”

Added Praveen Saldanha aka Monty Sally: “Goa has immense talent even though the population is tiny. The aim is to enable collaboration between various talents by bringing them under one roof. The platform called ‘Celebrities Goa’.”

Various activities and initiatives have been planned to make 'Celebrities Goa' a vibrant community.

“To begin with, each year will feature an annual signature event based on a different theme. We have even received requests from overseas collaborators to share and post content, which will be duly posted/uploaded on our Instagram profile ‘CelebritiesGoa1’ in due course.”

“All this will be interspersed with smaller activities like launches, collections, etc at a later stage. We even aim to launch our exclusive pageant and award ceremony. So, there are a lot of plans that would materialise in the years to come,” said Dias.

Monty Sally said ‘Celebrities Goa’ plans events in every genré, be it fashion, music, art, dance, etc.

Asked if ‘Celebrities Goa’ would be a registered body or an informal group of members, Dias said the process to register ‘Celebrities Goa’ is already underway.

“We expect formalities to be completed in a couple of months from now,” said Dias.

Monty Sally said the brand is registered but making members formally enrol is for a later date.

“At the moment, we are working on the structure and relationship with the members,” he said.

Some of the celebrities who are part of the launch of ‘Celebrities Goa’ include Merlyn D'Silva, Shibani Singh, Anushka Estibeiro, Sharon Dias, Poornima Borkar, Ancy Gonsalves, Joanne Da Cunha, Veronica Fernandes, Tracy Pinto, Tejal Mahambre, Shawn Kenneth, Melissa Pereira, Ruben Rodrigues, Martin and Flossy.

Celbert Dias along with some of the celebrities during the launch of ‘Celebrities Goa’.

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