Goan boy wins silver medal at swimming contest in Dubai

Troy Dias is a medallist in marathon races and karate, also enjoys playing cricket, football and chess

Goan boy wins silver medal at swimming contest in Dubai

Winning a silver medal at a major swimming competition in Dubai is a significant achievement for any 7-year-old, Troy Jose Dias is already a multiple medallist at three different sporting events.

Troy won the silver medal at the Emirates Swimming Competition 2023 organised by Apex Swimming Academy at Shaikh Hamdan Sports Complex, Dubai on May 13. He won in the eight-years category for backstroke.

Incidentally, Troy won the bronze medal in the Super Cup International Karate championship in UAE 2023 in the junior category. He actively takes part in marathon races and has won gold and bronze medals in the same. He also enjoys playing cricket, football and chess.

Troy, who hails from Margao and is based in Dubai along with his parents and twin sister Rachel, is a Year 3 student of Dubai Scholars Private School. Rachel is also active in sports and is a budding lawn tennis player.

“This is the first time Troy represented his school in a swimming competition. It is also his first medal at the Hamdan Sports Complex,” said his father, Terrence Dias, a former cricket player in Goa and presently employed with Emirates Airlines.

“Troy is delighted about his win, but his journey has not been easy. Troy was born prematurely with severe respiratory distress syndrome. His great sense of empathy and strong natural ability to fight against odds has encouraged him to help others both in Dubai and Goa.”

“He ran marathons for raising funds for amputee kids in Turkey and also to promote reading among kids. He is the little visionary of his mother’s NGO ‘Vision Education Society’ in Goa and helps with community welfare projects for kids.”

Terrence’s wife, Remy, a school leader in Dubai, described Troy as an intelligent and creative boy, who is fond of Lego, reading, robots, science and sports.

“Troy is very fascinated by the world in outer space. He enjoys constructing spaceships with his construction toys and watching stars with his telescope. He idolises Elon Musk and it is his dream to meet him,” she said.

“He is very energetic and plays varied sports like swimming, karate, athletics, cricket and all ball games. Troy won the bronze medal in the Super Cup International Karate championship in UAE 2023 in the junior category.”

“Troy actively takes part in marathon races and has won gold and bronze medals in the same. He wants to be a cricketer when he grows big and his aim is to be the captain of the Indian cricket team,” added Remy.

As parents, Terrence and Remy knew early on that Troy was different.

“He had advanced developmental milestones. He said “mama” at 4-and-half months and started walking at 7-and-half months,” said Terrence.

“As a toddler, we could see the uniqueness in him in his creative constructions, speech and drawings. He was growing and learning at his own pace, in his own special way.”

“As parents, we look forward to seeing him grow and make Goa proud, India proud and become a true global citizen.”

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