Goans in UK celebrate Feast of Mount Mary

Goans in UK celebrate Feast of Mount Mary


Goans celebrated the Feast of the Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary with special Thanksgiving Masses in different parts of the UK.

A special Thanksgiving Mass was celebrated at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Hayes, on September 8. 

Fr Andrew Silveira, a Pilar priest visiting the UK, was the principal celebrant for the Mass. Fr Patrick D’Souza, sfx and Fr Feroz Fernandes, sfx, from the Goan Chaplaincy, Fr Trinidade Monteiro, a Goan priest serving in East Anglia diocese, Fr Joseph and Fr Paul Peter, Claretian priests from the parish, concelebrated the festive Mass. 

Fr Andrew Silveira, sfx, invited the people to be generous in displaying behaviours of meekness, humility and self-sacrifice while serving others. Quoting the example of Blessed Virgin Mary, Fr Andrew expressed admiration towards devotees, who he said, are examples of kindness according to the Gospel values. 

On September 9, Feast Masses were celebrated in Willesden by Fr Jerry Vaz sfx, in Leicester by Fr Patrick D’Souza and in Southall by Fr Andrew Silveira. 

The devotees offered flowers to Blessed Virgin Mary in gratitude.

“Goans continue to gather on the occasion of a feast to celebrate faith and fellowship in a foreign land,” said Fr Feroz Fernandes. 

“Devotion to Mother Mary fosters communities to stand united to share the faith legacy, like offering flowers, with younger generations, especially those born in the UK.”

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