Goans in UK hail victory of Capt. Viriato in South Goa

LUI GODINHO | JUNE 07, 2024, 11:53 PM IST
Goans in UK hail victory of Capt. Viriato in South Goa

A meeting by UK Goans in Southall-London in support of the INDIA bloc candidates before the Lok Sabha polls in Goa.


They may be residing thousands of miles away from Goa, but Goans in the UK had been closely monitoring the Lok Sabha elections in Goa on May 7.

Such was the interest in Goan politics among many in the community that at least two meetings were organised at Southall and Hounslow in London to pledge support to the INDIA bloc candidates, Captain Viriato Fernandes and Ramakant Khalap.

When results were declared on June 4, Goans in the UK hailed the victory of Capt. Viriato in South Goa and said he would bring new hope to the people of Goa. A party has now been organised in West London on June 9 to celebrate the victory of Capt. Viriato.

When contacted, some Goans from in and around London sent in their reactions on results of the Lok Sabha elections in South Goa.


It is good news for all Goans that Captain Viriato Fernandes has won the South Goa seat.

Not only is he a genuine person, but he is also very competent and effective and will raise the issues our Goans face at a national level. 

Francisco Sardinha, who represented South Goa as an MP over many years, had done his time, and while he was far more experienced, he did come under some criticism. 

It was good that the Congress high command chose to go for newer and younger blood. Hope that the Congress learns from this and offers Goans a good choice of candidates at the next Assembly elections in 2027.

I wish Captain Viriato Fernandes all the best and thank all those who voted for him. It is, like Captain Viriato said, a people's victory. Well done to all.
Chris Da Cruz
IT Project Manager


Celebrations and jubilations for the people of South Goa on the success of electing a Congress MP. Salute to the newly elected MP from South Goa Capt. Viriato Fernandes. This is the greatest news Goans were waiting for a long time. 

I commend and applaud every Goan in South Goa for believing what is right and not falling for tricks played on them, like enticing them with promises just before elections to get votes. 

Goans have suffered enough over the years under the BJP regime. Certainly, time for a change and unity. Enough is enough was the thinking of the long suffering Goans who went out in large numbers to support and vote for Congress Party.

What had really baffled me is why would there be a free trip to the Vailankanni shrine on the eve of elections? Many made this journey only to find that the train broke down halfway through their journey. Lessons to learn is that we should not play with God! 

Goa will be seen in a different light from now on, and all the tricks under sun will be exposed. Certainly, BJP will feel this threat and not feel as powerful as they thought they were over the years.

As a Global Goan who resides in the UK, I am elated by this fresh news of South Goa as I am passionate about the welfare of Goa and its people.

The newly elected MP Capt Viriato Fernandes brings new hope to the people of Goa. Change was well overdue for Goans, and their voice heard.

My elderly mother who is 82 years old, very frail and not the best of health stood in the queue and marked her vote for the love of Goa. I was very pleased with my mother as every little single vote counted.

United we stand, divided we fall is definitely the way forward and I wish South Goa MP Capt. Viriato Fernandes all the very best and to work only for the interest and benefit of the people of Goa. 

His support for the Goans will bring major change in the life style of Goans. Hatred on race and religion should be wiped off from the political agenda. Peace within religion is one major topic which needs to be referred to, and I sincerely hope Capt. Fernandes can deliver this to the people of Goa.

Goans have finally proved that we are a democratic State who abide by the rule – For the people, to the people and by the people. Viva Goa!
Bella Fernandes
Social worker


The Lok Sabha election was good, especially in South Goa, as people voted for a change and our people in Salcete showed defectors the door. These elections proved that people have the power to choose the MP, and not the MLA who gets elected and later switches parties for greed and power.

People in South Goa did a great job and especially all INDIA bloc party leaders who stayed united and fought together. I do hope they will stay united and fight the next 2027 assembly elections. 
Micheal Bevan DSilva
Social worker, businessmen 


The results of the recent Lok Sabha election in Goa were much awaited by many people. I would like to congratulate Capt. Viriato Fernandes on his victory in South Goa.

I think it was a historic move when most parties came together as one INDIA bloc. This was done with an intention to get rid of the BJP government at the Centre.

If we look at the South Goa results, the unity and unanimous decision to support Congress is something that we need to appreciate. The crystal clear message conveyed was that it was a fight against Modi and the BJP government.

I am glad that even if BJP has a majority at the Centre, they will not be able to amend the Constitution as feared, since the number of seats won by BJP are less compared to last time. 

As a social activist in Wembley, I support dual citizenship and many other issues faced by Goans here. I will communicate these issues to Captain Viriato.
Joyce de Souza
Social worker


As a Goan based in the UK and having served as the Canacona Congress block president for around 14 years and deputy Sarpanch of Loliem-Polem, I feel that this Lok Sabha election was very different to previous elections.

Whenever I have had interactions with friends across party affiliations over the phone, we would discuss issues related to Goa which are more concerning and affecting the future of Goa and Goans. I feel that it was a historical moment when all parties came together under one banner, INDIA bloc, to get rid of the BJP.

In the recent elections, the people of Goa and as well as India, including intellectual, retired personnel, ex-Army personnel, lawyers, farmers, etc., fought this election to save democracy and to save the constitution. 

Kudos to all people of South Goa for voting wisely. The voters sent a strong message to the defected MLAs. I am surprised to see the result of Margao, as this shows that in future many MLAs who have defected may not get re-elected.

In North Goa, people voted for the person (Shripad Naik) and not for the party. The next assembly election in 2027 will be tough for the BJP, if the same setup is carried till the election, but it is unlikely that the INDIA bloc will be intact.
Elvis Fernandes
Social worker


In Goa, how I wish the Dempos – a much-respected brand – had not allowed itself to hitch on to the BJP bandwagon, a party, whatever one may say, whose core ideology is to maintain the supremacy of one religious community over the others, which by extension to effectively reduce the 'others' into second-class citizens. 

Somehow, it is beyond my comprehension as to how good and well-meaning people could associate with such an ideology. Would not that association mean endorsement of the misdemeanours of BJP government? 

Well, if you are silent to an offence, you are guilty of committing it. And as someone said “if you cannot stand up or are neutral in the face of injustice, you side with the oppressor!” 

I am pleased to see a real patriot in Capt. Viriato Fernandes getting the worthy mandate from Goans to represent them in the highest legislative forum of the land. He surely has all the proven credentials worthy of the office.
Mario (Babit) Fernandes


The victory of the INDIA bloc in South Goa is a victory of all Goans who nullified efforts to woo them during elections. People of South Goa, especially Salcete, demonstrated another Opinion Poll to save democracy in India.

It is a victory of all NGOs and common man, and for the first time in the history of Goan politics, different parties, despite having different aims and objectives, came together on one common platform to save Goa.

This further demonstrated that only unity can save Goa in the near future, for the betterment of Goa. People of all communities came together to save Goa.
Salvador Pereira


Goans in London to celebrate Capt. Viriato’s win on June 9

The UK Goans Dynamic Group will celebrate the victory of newly elected South Goa MP Captain Viriato Fernandes with an open garden party in Southall, West London, on June 9.

Salvador Antonio Pereira, one of the organisers from the UK Goan Dynamic Group who hails from Benaulim, said the party has been planned not just to celebrate Captain Viriato’s victory, but also to discuss and put forth some demands before the new elected MP.

When contacted, Salvador said he has been active in politics in Benaulim from a very young age. 

“I am keen to save Goan identity and preserve it for the future generations. We want to ensure that Goa maintains its high standard of quality tourism which should not be spoilt,” said Salvador.

“This Sunday, the UK Goan Dynamic Group will celebrate Captain Viriato’s victory by hosting an open garden party at the park opposite the police station along the Uxbridge Road, Southall. Everyone is welcome and we request people to bring their own food and drinks,” said Salvador.

“This invitation is open to all Goans even those who did not support our campaign for Capt. Viriato.”

Asked what would be their list of demands they would want to place before the new South Goa MP, Salvador replied: “We would want him to to protect Goa’s environment and to maintain our Goan Culture for our future generations.” 

“We would also count on his support to help resolve the issue of renewal of Indian passports of several minor children in the UK whose one parent is an Indian national while the other parent is a foreign national.” 

“We will also seek his intervention to request the Government of India to consider dual nationality for OCI card holders, and to allow Indians living abroad to cast their votes from overseas.”

“And finally, our advice to Capt. Variato is this: “Don’t be like previous Congress leaders who defected. Please remain with the party and do not change sides. We trust you as a politician, nationalist and a man of dignity and honour who has been entrusted by voters to protect Goa”.”

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