Konkani singing contest takes centre stage in UK

‘Modhur Tallo Season 2’ singing competition was organised jointly by the Pilar Fathers and the Goan Chaplaincy, Swindon

LUI GODINHO | MAY 24, 2024, 11:11 PM IST
Konkani singing contest takes centre stage in UK

The organisers and winners at the ‘Modhur Tallo Season 2’ Konkani singing competition.


Goan singers across different age groups and from different parts of the UK presented Konkani songs at the ‘Modhur Tallo Season 2’, a Konkani singing competition organised jointly by the Pilar Fathers and the Goan Chaplaincy, Swindon, at the Deanery CE Academy Hall on May 18.

The Swindon Goan Chaplaincy, beside their call of duty to share the gospel to thousands of Goans in the UK, are among the flag bearers to help keep alive Goan culture and language.

The Chaplaincy is under the care of the Pilar Fathers in the UK. The Goan Chaplain Fr Lucas Rodrigues along with Fr Mark Furtado and Fr Francis Colaco work with determination to promote and preserve Konkani Language.

“This is the second year the ‘Modhur Tallo’ competition has been held and it is on the way to becoming one of the annual iconic community events among the Konkani-speaking Goan diaspora in the UK. The prestigious competition is aimed at unearthing, promoting and recognising singing talent in the Goan reservoir,” said Fr Mark Furtado, the main coordinator of ‘ Modhur Tallo Season 2’.

Held in different age categories, the competition has attracted numerous entries which, however, are narrowed down to the final six spots in each category after going through auditions which were previously held in Southall and Swindon.

The finals were planned and executed by the respective teams of the Pilar Fathers and the Goan Chaplaincy spearheaded by Fr Lucas Rodrigues and Fr Mark Furtado.

The Chaplaincy Youth Group handled the ground work, media, projection and photography, while the stage was decorated by Nashvin Arts and stage lights were handled by Grina.

There were solo and duet categories for the juniors, teenagers and seniors, the latter being an open category.

The versatile singers were joined by musicians on stage with live accompaniment. While Frampton De Sa (Keyboards) led the group, other members band members were Aiden Temudo (Trumpet), Amorin Gonsalves (Bass), Ivan Pereira (Drums) and Olavo Fernandes (Saxophone). Sound engineer and reputed musician Conny Fernandes balanced the sound.

The evening started with a prayer and welcome by Fr Lucas, following by the well-known Konkani stage artiste Tommy Aphonso (Jr Nelson) hosting the event as compere with his witty bon mots. 

The function got to a grand start by a special rendition by Divino Almeida, winner of last year’s Modhur Tallo.


The singers in the Junior category were Eleanora Maria Fernandes (Bebdo), Callia Anora Dias (Onath Bhurgim), Saloni Fernandes (Amerikak Paushi), Abigail Mary Dias (Piso), Kyra Fernandes (Rock N Roll) and Ariana Daneen Fernandes (Uzo).

[Left] Nazareno Borges won the first prize in the senior category. [Right] Nasha Cortez won the first prize in the teenage category.

The teenage category saw some tight competition with every singer outperforming the other.

Shanika Carvalho opened the category with her song ‘Mai’ followed by Delicia Pinto (Abgath Kelo), Rachel D’acosta (Mog Mozo Kortai), Mabel Fernandes (Bebdo), Nasha Cortez (Bomboichi Birmuti) and Shifali Fernandes (Dennem).

The popular singer Sebastian Fernandes opened the second half with his song ‘Kaxanv’, followed by Pascoal Vas (Gupit Mog), Melvin Peixoto (Dhorm Ani Zati) Sancia Dias Do Rosario (Zaad Tem Ambeachem), Inacinho Afonso (Ojapachem Rogot) and Nazarene Borges (Janet Ani Linet).

The duet category was a new introduction to the competition. It was opened by Agnelo Lobo and Semenka Rebelo who sang their original song ‘Noxea Korinakat’.

The sister-duo Infantcia Afonso and Imenda Afonso sang ‘Aikat Mozo Tavo’; husband and wife couple Antoneta Abreu and Julio Montero sang ‘Pipirmit’; father and daughter combine Jose Colasso and Siedel Colasso belted out ‘Chup Chup Chup’, the cousins Audzen Almeida and Nasha Cortez roared out ‘Anvde Tuje Sompoi’ and finally, the father and daughter team Pascoal and Lanisha Vaz rendered ‘Aimorechea Mandar’.

The half time was all about the mouth-watering snacks of Goa, with the canteen managed by the senior charismatic prayer group of the Goan chaplaincy.


The winners in the junior category were Saloni Fernandes (first), Ariana Fernandes (second) and Kyra Fernandes (third).

Prize winners in the Junior category (From L to R): Saloni Fernandes (first prize), Kyra Fernandes (third prize) and Ariana Fernandes (second prize).

In the teenage category, the first place was won by Nasha Cortez, followed by Shefali Fernandes and Shanika Carvalho.

Nazareno Borges won the first place in the senior category, while Sebastian Fernandes and Inacinho Afonso won second and third prizes respectively. 

The winners in the duet category were Audzin Almeida and Nasha Cortez, followed by the sister duo Infantcia Afonso and Imenda Afonso, while the third place was won by Agnelo Lobo and Semenca Rebelo.

“Overall, it was an event full of pure Konkani music and unbelievable talent,” described Fr Lucas.

After the raffle draw and the distribution of certificates to the finalists, the three judges Fr Jerry Fernandes sfx, Fr Francis Dias and Inacio Joao were felicitated.

Fr Lucas later thanked the audience, participants and everyone who worked towards the success of the contest.

The curtains were drawn to a close with the MC Tommy declaring the dates for Modhur Tallo Season 3 on May 17, 2025 and urging more people to come forward and participate in large numbers.

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