Saturday 22 Feb 2025

Social activism, a mission for Goan priest in Pakistan




The recent 18th Exposition of the Sacred Relics of St Francis Xavier was an opportunity for people across the world to visit Goa. 

Among them was Fr Boniface Mendes (88), a Goan priest from the Faisalabad Diocese in Pakistan. It was a nostalgic trip for him. This was his second Exposition after a gap of 70 years, and he was visiting Goa after over four decades.

“This Exposition was special as it brought memories of my last visit for the Exposition in 1952,” recalled Fr Bonnie, as he is popularly known.

“I found that this Exposition was organised very well. The religious services and other arrangements were excellent.”

Fr Bonnie Mendes at the Archbishop’s House in Panaji-Goa.

A priest for 63 years, Fr Bonnie has been widely acclaimed for his social action ministry and has served at the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences (FABC) and Caritas Asia.

During his trip in Goa, Fr Bonnie addressed seminarians at the Rachol and Pilar seminaries and concelebrated at the Feast Mass of St Joseph Vaz in Sancoale and celebrated Sunday Mass and preached in the Holy Trinity Church, Nagoa-Bardez on January 12.


Fr Bonnie was born in Karachi in 1936, but his parents hailed from Nagoa-Bardez.

“My father passed away in 1943 and my mother brought me and my sister to Nagoa for some time, while my two bothers remained in Karachi,” recalled Fr Bonnie.

Fr Bonnie initially studied at the St Joseph School, Arpora, and was then taken back to Karachi to continue high school.

Fr Bonnie was administered the sacraments of first holy communion and confirmation at the Holy Trinity Church in Nagoa.

Fr Bonnie recalled visiting Goa for the Exposition in 1952.

“About 300 people travelled by ship from Karachi to Goa. We went to Old Goa for the Feast Mass on December 3, but there was no place inside the Church. Since we were young, I stood on a wall outside,” said Fr Bonnie.

Fr Bonnie said the seed for his priesthood was sown in Goa. 

“I would attend retreats conducted by Monsignor Philip Mendonsa at the Nagoa Parish and also served as altar boy,” said Fr Bonnie.

“At home, we would pray for the canonisation of St Joseph Vaz and Ven. Agnelo de Souza. So, when St Joseph Vaz was canonised in 2015, I travelled to Sri Lanka for the ceremony.”

Fr Bonnie was ordained priest by Cardinal Joseph Cordeiro at Karachi in 1962 and he visited Goa in 1963 to celebrate Mass as a young priest. 

“My last visit to Goa was in 1981. I desired to visit Goa and regularly applied for a visa, but always got a visa for another place in India, such as Bangalore and Hoshiarpur. I could only be in those places while in India. As such, I was very happy to return to Goa this time after over 40 years and got to meet relatives and friends.”


Fr Bonnie’s association with the FABC and Caritas Asia began in an unexpected manner.

“After my ordination, I served in Karachi for 5 years and then offered to move to Faislabad in 1967. I took a Sabbatical in 1978 and went to the Philippines for a programme. The programme was postponed but since I had already made travel plans, I went to the Philippines and got to attend another programme for Chaplains,” recalled Fr Bonnie.

A bishop then asked Fr Bonnie to visit Indonesia for an evaluation on adult education, as he had conducted similar activity in Pakistan.

“I returned to Manila and served as Executive Secretary of the Office for Human Development, Manila, of FABC from 1978 to 1983. During this time, I completed my PhD in organising, planning and development. Manila was a great opportunity to travel, learn and meet people,” said Fr Bonnie.

Fr Bonnie Mendes, during an audience with Pope Benedict XVI in December 2012, after his appointment as member of the Pontifical Council for Justice & Peace based at the Vatican.

Fr Bonnie returned to Pakistan in 1983 but after a few years, was sent to Bangkok as Coordinator of Caritas Asia. He was then sent back as Executive Secretary of FABC Office for Human Development, Manila, for two years and then returned to Bangkok to serve as Coordinator of Caritas Asia for a second term. Fr Bonnie also served as member of the Pontifical Council for Justice & Peace based at the Vatican.


Fr Bonnie said his mission for social action took shape when he went to serve in Punjab (Pakistan).

“I found that poor people in villages had little empowerment and the rich would stifle development of the poor. I found the same situation confronting poorer sections of society in Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand,” explained Fr Bonnie.

He said the FABC Office for Human Development projects enabled bishops and priests to interact with the poor, to understand their sufferings and challenges. 

When he returned to Pakistan, Fr Bonnie worked under Bishop John Joseph for the National Commission for Justice and Peace. 


Fr Bonnie felt priests must reach out to all sections of society, with a preference towards the poor.

“Priests must work for the poor and oppressed, and stand up to question injustices in society. I admit that this mission is fraught with risks, but priests must be trained on how to handle such situations. They must look at life from the perspective of the poor. Our Church must give priests hands-on experience to face such issues,” said Fr Bonnie.

Fr Bonnie also believed there should be de-clericalisation of the church. 

“I feel that Church leaders should hand over more responsibilities to lay people, such as in matters on finance, property matters, legal matters, IT, artificial intelligence and social media.”

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