Thursday 13 Mar 2025

UK Goan recalls carrying SFX Relics as ‘experience of lifetime’



For Simon Varella, a popular compere hailing from St Estevam and now based in the UK, the experience of having carried the Sacred Relics of St Francis Xavier at the Exposition in Old Goa four decades ago will last a life-time.

“As a young boy, I grew up in the village of St Estevam, which is about 10 kms away from Old Goa. When I was in school, my mother would always take me to Old Goa during the Novenas of St Francis Xavier. We would also occasionally participate in the Sunday Mass either at Bom Jesus Basilica or See Cathedral,” recalled Varella.

“So, my love, affection and devotion to St Francis Xavier has been instilled in me since I was a child. I have been going to venerate the Sacred Relics at Expositions right from the time I was five years old.” 

A file photo of Simon Varella and his family outside the Basilica of Bom Jesus at Old Goa.

“In 1984, when I was just 15 years old, I represented our St Stephen's Parish Youth along with my friend late Jose Lobo. We both were blessed to be nominated to carry the Sacred Relics of St Francis Xavier in the procession from the Basilica to the Se Cathedral on the opening day for a few yards along with the other youth of Goa. Thanks to our then Parish Priest, late Fr Almir D'Souza. It was such a touching feeling and an experience of a lifetime,” remarked Varella. 

Varella said his pilgrimage to Old Goa for the Exposition is important to him as he has great faith in the ‘Goencho Saib’.

“Zuemkars celebrate the feast of our Patron, St Stephen on December 26. However this year in the UK, we celebrated our Patron Feast on October 26, as many of our villagers would be going to Goa for the Exposition. I think a large number of Goans around the world will try and make it to Goa for the Exposition.”

Varella said that St Francis Xavier has got a special place in their lives and is very important to him and his family.

“Every time, we have to go from St Estevam to Panaji, we have to pass Old Goa. So, over a period of time, we have developed a special affection for the Saint.” 

“So far, I have witnessed five Expositions of the Sacred Relics of SFX. Our three children will be attending their second Exposition this year. For me, the Exposition of SFX takes all priority. Our faith in SFX is very strong and a lot of our wishes have been fulfilled through the intercession of SFX.” 

“I want to instil the same faith and devotion in my children that was given to me by my parents. If I remember correctly, during one of the expositions, despite my father losing his job in Bombay, he still came down to Goa for the exposition. Such strong is our devotion to this great saint. It's not just for me, all Goans have great devotion towards this great saint. He intercedes for us at all times,” Varella added.

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