United Goan Affiliation UK formally launched

| NOVEMBER 12, 2022, 01:04 AM IST
United Goan Affiliation UK formally launched

AMass and a cultural programme marked the formal inauguration of theUnited Goan Affiliation UKLtd, at Hounslow on October 30.The Mass was celebrated by thePilar Fathers Fr Feroz Fernandes andFr Patrick D’Souza of the Goan Chaplaincy. In his homily, Fr Fernandessaid he was pleased with the aimsand objectives of the newly formedGoan organisation.

“It is easy to start an organisation,but keep it going to achieve the goal,”said Fr Fernandes.After the Mass, a cultural event wasorganised at the Cranford CommunityCollege.

Francis Pereira, the sports coordinator and one of the trustees, welcomed the committee on stage alongwith Fr D’Souza and Fr Fernandes.

In his welcome speech, Pereiraexplained how the club germinatedfrom a simple social network messageby Michael Bevan D’Silva suggestingthe need to have a new Goan organisation and also have a communitycentre to focus on the needs of theGoans.

He said this message drew a few tohold their first meeting and the formation of the United Goan AffiliationUK Ltd.

“Our main motto is to have a Community Centre to unite all Goans under one roof,” said Pereira and calledon all Goans to support the new association.After Fr D’Souza blessed the UGAUK logo and banner, UGA UK President Michael Bevan D’Silva and committee members cut the cake.

Victorde Ribander wrote and sang a specialsong dedicated to the UGA UK.Live music by The Rifters had thepeople on their feet on the dancefloor, while DJ Frank also entertainedthe gathering. There were four raffle draws during the show and housie (bingo) for the first five numbersrolled out (Jaldi Five). Additional spotprizes were handed out during thecelebration.

Ciana D’Costa, UGA UK Secretaryand Trustee, thanked all those whohad helped at the event. She mentioned that though it was difficult tostart this organisation, the committeewas very keen to ensure its successand was certain that with the cooperation of all Goans, the UGA UK wouldachieve its goal.

Food was catered by Luiza’s Kitchen while MC Simon Varella comperedthe event.

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