Mapusa Police has arrested Raju Tirki (26) of Chhattisgarh on charges of attempting to break open the ATM of a bank in Alto-Mapusa.
The incident took place on January 15 at around 2.27 am, when the accused entered the ATM and tried to break open the ATM machine with the help of an iron bar, but was unsuccessful.
The incident was captured on CCTV camera and the foiled burglary came to light when the bank opened in the morning.
The police was notified and the bank manager later filed a complaint with the police.
Based on CCTV footage, the police nabbed Tirki at Guirim on Thursday evening and later arrested him in the connection.
A Mapusa court has remanded the accused to custody for 14 days and further investigation is being conducted by Mapusa PSI Abhijit Naik.