Students of Our Lady of Divar School are seen along with the sarpanch and other panchayat members.
Goltim-Navelim Sarpanch Mario Pinto invited students of Our Lady of Divar High School to attend the Gram Sabha in April as observers and to conduct the Bal Gram Sabha on behalf of the Panchayat.
Pinto extended the invitation after students of Our Lady of Divar High School, as part of their curriculum, visited the Goltim-Navelim (Piedade) Panchayat, to know about the functioning of the village panchayat.
The students were welcomed to the Panchayat by Sarpanch Mario Pinto, who interacted with the students during a question-and-answer session. Panchayat secretary Tukaram Naik explained about the different certificates issued by the Panchayat, birth certificate and the mutation, while Talathi Gaurish Naik explained about the revenue of the Panchayat. History teacher Anthony D'Lima and Music teacher Rohit accompanied the students to the panchayat. D'Lima thanked Sarpanch Mario Pinto for inviting them to the Panchayat.