Headmistress of PM Shri GHS Morpirla Maria Murena Miranda has received an invitation from President of India Droupadi Murmu for a home reception at Rashtrapati Bhavan New Delhi on the occasion of Independence day. The Headmistress thanked the President for the invite and the Indian Post Office for delivering the invite in a festive way with music and funfare. Sanjay Dessai, Assistant Director RO Goa, Ajay Kumar, Assistant Superintendent Post Office Margao, Rahul Jadhav IP PG Goa, Santosh Kulkarni, Mail overseas Margao and others who handed over the special invite to Miranda. Miranda, a national awardee with 36 years of teaching has changed the life of Morpirla students by getting 100 per cent SSC results for 9 years inspite of lots of challenges as the students are tribal first generation learners. She teaches Maths and Science for SSC and provides best opportunities for students like 3 D printing, Virtual glasses, Experiential learning, bagless days for students.