Camões-Centro de Língua Portuguesa will be offering two intensive online and offline Portuguese Language Courses starting March 10 and 11, respectively at Casa Basílio Dias, 1st Floor, Rua de Ormuz Road in Panaji. The two courses, A1.1 Curso Certificado de Acesso ao PLE (Presencial) and A1.2 Curso Certificado de Acesso ao PLE (online) will be of 10 weeks each with the online course having 75% synchronous (using the Zoom video-conferencing) and 25% asynchronous sessions (online audio and video tools designed by our teachers). The offline course will begin on March 11 and its timings are 6-8 pm on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. The offline course will begin on March 10 and the timings are 6.30 - 8 pm on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. The courses offered by CLP-Camões aim to prepare students for the International Certification of Proficiency in Portuguese through the CAPLE Exam PFL. The website is For registrations and further information, e-mail:, or call on 7030655664.