VASCO: Vasco Police have arrested Prasanna Akhadkar (32), a driver with the Goa Police Department, following a non-bailable warrant (NBW) issued by the Additional Sessions Judge, Margao. Akhadkar, a resident of Navta-Cortalim, was convicted in a criminal case under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act.
Akhadkar, who was currently posted on a robot vehicle at the Maina Curtorim Police Station, had been directed by the court to pay compensation of Rs 3,20,000 in a cheque bounce case. Failing to do so, he was sentenced to simple imprisonment of one year.
Sources at Vasco Police revealed that the NBW was issued after Akhadkar failed to appear in the criminal appeal proceedings related to his conviction. The court directed the Vasco Police Inspector on January 10 to apprehend the accused and produce him before the court by January 27.
Following the directive, Akhadkar was taken into custody and is set to be presented before the court for further legal proceedings.