South Goa MP Captain Viriato Fernandes on Thursday asked the South Goa collector to direct authorities to initiate action on the dumping of mud into a water body in Chicalim, which has caused damage to the water body and the biodiversity.
In a letter to the South Goa collector, Capt Viriato said he had received a complaint from the Chicalim Youth Farmers Club (CYFC) in the matter.
“It is requested that the departments concerned may kindly be directed to initiate action on the complaint received from the Farmers Club and also undertake measures to restore the water to its original state,” stated Capt Viriato.
The CYFC has lodged a complaint with the Chicalim panchayat regarding mud being dumped in a water body in the village and claimed that the water body, which is one of seven interconnected water bodies in the ward, is documented in the Public Biodiversity Register (PBR) of Chicalim Village under Goa State Biodiversity Board.
The Biodiversity Management Committee of Chicalim Panchayat has also raised objections and filed a complaint with different authorities, requesting them to technically quantify the possible damage to these interconnected water bodies.
Chicalim Parish Priest Fr Bolmax Pereira has said the dumping of mud in one water body would seriously affect the water body owned by the Confraria of the Chicalim Church as well as six other interconnected water bodies in the area.
Chicalim’s Ward 11 Panch Roman Vaz has also written to the Chicalim sarpanch, voicing concern over the filling of mud in the ward.