Ponda police filed an FIR against Shrimat Shivananda Saraswati Swami of Kavale Math, Avadhut Shivram Kakodkar, and Adv Manohar Adpaikar on charges of impersonation, forgery, and fraudulent sale of property in Kavale-Ponda.
A complaint in this connection had been filed at the Ponda police station by renowned surgeon Dr P S Ramani and another person, accusing Shivanand Saraswati Swamiji of creating fake documents regarding the property rights of the Math, by pretending to be the former Swami of the Math, Shrimat Sachidananda Saraswati Swami, and had given the power of attorney to Avadhut Kakodkar.
Using the documents, the land owned by the Math at Kavale has been sold to the Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwa Vidyalaya.
The complaint added that although Swamiji himself is the Mathadhipati, he is not a trustee and only a Trust has the right to conduct transactions related to land and other properties. Ponda Police Inspector Vijaynath Kavalekar is investigating the matter further.
Meanwhile, Adv. Manohar Adpaikar has stated that Shrimat Shivananda Saraswati Swami had conducted the transaction through the attorney Avadhut Kakodkar. The name of the former Swami, Shrimat Sachidananda Saraswati Swami, was mentioned on the sale deed document instead of Shrimat Shivanand Saraswati Swami. After noticing the mistake, Shrimat Shivanand Saraswati Swami cancelled the land sale transaction through the court and returned the money. The incident took place on March 20, 2018.
Adv. Adpaikar stated that he was not at fault in the matter and that, the legal transaction was made after submitting the necessary documents required for the process.