Tivim villagers gear up for key gram sabha on pvt university

Feel this may be last chance to halt or alter project



The simmering opposition against the proposed private university in Tivim is set to reach a critical juncture as the village prepares for a pivotal gram sabha on Sunday.

This gram sabha comes on the heels of mounting protests, as a significant section of the village’s population has voiced concerns over the long-term impact of leasing a large plot of comunidade land to MAEER’s MIT Group.

The meeting is expected to draw a large turnout of residents who have voiced concerns over the Goa Investment Promotion Board’s in-principle approval to the university project.

The village panchayat has placed the issue on the gram sabha agenda, with a focus on addressing objections and suggestions from local villagers.

Many community members are expected to make their opposition known, citing concerns over the long-term impact of the project on the village’s land and resources.

Weeks ago, concerned villagers had launched a signature campaign against the establishment of the private university, urging the panchayat to convene an emergency gram sabha to discuss the issue.

The campaign highlighted widespread discontent and called for greater transparency and public consultation before any further decisions are made.

The upcoming gram sabha is being viewed as a critical forum for the community to express its concerns, as many residents feel this may be their last chance to halt or alter the project.

One of the central points of contention is the approval granted by the Goa Investment Promotion Board, which has been accused of prioritising commercial interests over local concerns.

Many villagers believe that the project will bring about increased traffic, pollution and strain on local infrastructure, without sufficient benefits for the local population.

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