13 survive canoe capsize amid solar shrimp hunt off Colva

THE GOAN NETWORK | JULY 30, 2024, 12:33 AM IST


Around 13 fishermen had a miraculous escape when their motorised canoe capsized in the choppy waters off Colva as the annual hunt for the prized solar shrimp began on Monday.

The beleaguered fishermen were rescued by local fishermen, the lifeguards and the police. While the fishermen escaped unhurt, a lifeguard is believed to have sustained minor injuries during the rescue operations.

In another incident, again at Colva, water entered into another motorized fishing canoe when the fishermen had venturing out in the sea for fishing, forcing them to return.

Sources pointed out that the incident occurred after the motor of the fishing canoe stopped working when the country made vessel struggled to enter the choppy waters. After the fishermen screamed for help, the fishermen as well as the lifeguards on the shore responded to the cries and launched rescue operations. The ill-fated boat owned by Grayfans Fernandes was later pulled ashore by the locals and fishermen.

Colva-based fishermen Thomas Rodrigues told The Goan that the fishermen kick-started the fishing season from Monday, but the rough condition of the sea came in the way of smooth navigation of the fishing vessels. “This is part of the year when the traditional fishermen venture out in the sea to net solar shrimps. This shrimp is available in the sea for a few days before it disappears. The fishing boat capsized after the motor failed. Luckily, all the fishermen onboard the ill-fated vessel escaped unhurt”, Thomas said.

“When the fishermen were struggling in the choppy waters, the locals as well as the lifeguards all rushed to their rescue and safely brought them ashore. The ill-fated motorized canoe suffered some damage”, he added.

Saying that the decision of the traditional fishermen to venture out in the sea is not illegal, Thomas said the traditional fishermen are allowed to venture out with motorized canoes and fishing nets as per the laid down specifications.

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