14 councillors claim files stalled, threaten to boycott next meet

| SEPTEMBER 20, 2024, 01:17 AM IST



The Mormugao Municipal Council (MMC) was left in disarray on Thursday as 14 councillors remained absent from the ordinary council meeting, raising concerns about the council's internal unity even though the councillors are backed by the BJP.

The absence has sparked rumours of discontent, with many councillors reportedly upset over delayed approvals of development files by the Directorate of Municipal Administration (DMA).

Some councillors have threatened to boycott the next meeting if these files are not sanctioned.

Former MMC chairperson and Councillor Deepak Naik voiced concerns over the delayed development files, suggesting that the frustration of many councillors was justified.

"This is an ordinary meeting, but important matters were on the agenda, and yet some colleagues remained absent for the first time. Several councillors are upset because development files have been pending approval, and many feel that works in their wards have been stalled,” said Naik.

“These files have been legally submitted and are stuck at the DMA for two months. We have warned the chief officer that if these files are not approved and work orders issued, we will boycott the next meeting.”

Naik further clarified that the issue isn’t directly with the MMC chairperson, but with the process that has led to the delays.

"While we cannot blame the Chairperson, but he needs to take us to the DMA to get answers. The development files for all 25 wards are pending,” Naik added.

Despite concerns, MMC chairperson says ‘all is well’

Despite concerns, MMC chairperson says ‘all is well’


Despite the apparent unrest among 14 councillors, Mormugao Municipal Council (MMC) Chairperson Girish Borker insisted that “all is well” within the council.

Borker maintained a calm stance, dismissing any suggestions of discord among councillors.

"Ganesh Chaturthi just concluded, and some councillors may still be resting. We sent meeting notifications to everyone, and I cannot comment on why they didn’t attend. If there were any problems, they can always approach me or the Chief Officer,” said Borker.

“We’ve consistently placed development works across all wards, but the files must go through a process at the DMA, which can take time. I have already been informed that development files have been signed, and we expect the approvals within the next two weeks."

Borker also highlighted MMC's recent achievements, which he believes demonstrate that the council is functioning well.

"The MMC has achieved record income of over Rs 1 crore from the seven-day Saptah fair, settled Rs 15 crore from HPCL, and resolved long-pending pension cases, among other successes.”

“With everything going smoothly, there’s no scope for a no-confidence motion or any unrest. The unity of councillors remains intact, and we are all working together,” said Borker.

Supporting Borker’s statements, Councillor Sudesh Bhosle emphasised the need for unity to push development forward, while acknowledging that delays in work approvals were frustrating.

"It’s true that development files are pending, and over the last three years, very few works have been taken up. The chairperson assured that proposed works will begin soon,” said Bhosle.

Providing an update on the status of regularisation of workers, Bhosle said Transport Minister Mauvin Godinho has assured that the regularisation of around 70 workers will be completed by December.

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