Voicing their support to mining activity as it would benefit Advalpal, residents on Sunday passed a resolution at the Gram Sabha to grant permission to mining activity and called upon the Advalpal panchayat to continue supporting the Fomento mining company.
When the matter came up for discussion at the Gram Sabha at the panchayat office, the residents thanked the Fomento mining company for providing employment to local youth and stated that the village would prosper with mining activity, which would give a boost to the village in terms of development.
The locals expressed their gratitude to Fomento company since unemployed youth in the village had been earning a livelihood, while bus services were being provided for the school.
Besides solving unemployment problems, the locals felt that mining activity would also boost the economy of the village and appealed for public support to Fomento mining company.
Ankita Kharwat, Mayur Kalangutkar and Nilesh Parab were among those who presented their views in support of the mining industry.
They expressed confidence that the mining company would protect the interests of the villagers and would contribute towards inclusive development of the village.