After backlash, victim gives confusing stance on house demolition; activists decry family's u-turn

THE GOAN NETWORK | JUNE 27, 2024, 01:08 PM IST
After backlash, victim gives confusing stance on house demolition; activists decry family's u-turn

Panaji: Agarwadekar family confuses the State about the aftermath of the Assagao house demolition; give no clear reply on the complaint withdrawal or help in rebuilding and blames the media; also defends absconding accused Pooja Sharma.

Activists have expressed utter disappointment and concern over Agarwadekar family's U-turn on the house demolition, apprehending it might lead to a dangerous precedent.

"This sets a wrong example," Xencor Polji lamented. 

He stated such compromise over serious incidents, particularly when the entire State supported the cause, could discourage support from activists during critical times in future. 

 "Genuine issues might be underestimated. 

Stop using activists as negotiation tools. We risk our lives to support Goa and its people," Rama Kankonkar said. He alleged that such developments will boost builders' confidence to break homes and then resort to compensation.

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