All India Konkani Parisad resolves grants for Konkani schools in MH & KA

| OCTOBER 27, 2024, 07:08 PM IST
All India Konkani Parisad resolves grants for Konkani schools in MH & KA

The 33rd All India Konkani Parishad, held at Ravindra Bhavan concluded today. The Parishad adopted seven major resolution including seeking Government intervention to ensure States like Maharashtra and Karnataka provide grants to Konkani medium primary schools in their States. 

The Resolutions adopted were: 

1-    That the Goa Government should make all out efforts to convince the Government of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Kerala to give grants and salaries of the teachers to all the Konkani Medium Schools operating in these states like how Goa Government gives grants to Kannada Medium Primary Schools and Salaries to the teachers teaching Kannada subject in High Schools.

2-    That the training for Government servants in Konkani Language and more specifically for the smooth operation of their departmental official work should continue without any break.

3-    That the Government and more specifically the Education Department should make it mandatory the teaching of Konkani subject for all the students studying up to the level of XII Standard in all the schools operating in Goa.

4-    That the Government of Goa should set up a Language Commission and its Commissioner should be non- political language expert, and the said commissioner should be given cabinet rank for the smooth and effective implementation of the Official Language Act. Further the Commissioner should have powers to punish the officials who are not implementing the Official Language Act in letter and spirit.

5-    That the Government should not give any relaxation in the fifteen year domicile and knowledge of Konkani compulsory clauses while recruiting employees in Government and semi Government bodies including Goa University. Also the Goa Government should make it compulsory to all the establishments, industries set up in Goa to give 80% jobs to Goans.

6-    That the Government of Goa should give the responsibility of transcription of literature from Roman and Kannada script to Devnagari and vice versa and provide requisite support including budgetary provision for this work.

7-    That the All India Konkani Parishad along with World Konkani Centre should take initiative to streamline the work going in different states in the field of usage of technology in development of Konkani language.

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