Anjuna PI, 2 PSIs suspended in Assagao house demolition case

THE GOAN NETWORK | JUNE 28, 2024, 12:59 AM IST


In light of recent developments, the government suspended Anjuna Police Inspector Prashal Desai and Police Sub Inspectors Sanket Pokhre and Nitin Naik due to alleged lapses in the initial investigation into the Assagao house demolition.

Their suspension order, issued on Thursday evening, followed a report by Chief Secretary Puneet Goel, who was tasked with investigating the entire saga and identifying lapses by the police.

“Lapses were evident from the beginning when the Agarwadekar family accused the Anjuna police of inaction during the demolition and the abduction of two other occupants. There were lapses,” sources said.

It is learnt that the PI’s failure to manage the situation, which escalated into a major controversy, prompted the government to take action against him. “The three have been suspended, and further outcome will be known soon,” a senior government official told The Goan indicating the report might contain serious findings and recommendations against the police. 

Meanwhile, a Special Investigation Team (SIT) of the Crime Branch has been constituted, the First Information Report (FIR) strengthened with additional charges, further arrests are made and teams have been sent to places to search for absconding accused Pooja Sharma and bouncers -- a marathon exercise taken less than 24 hours after the case transfer.

Despite the Agarwadekar family's sudden U-turn into the demolition of their house in Assagao, the Crime Branch took over the probe from Anjuna police and added charges including criminal trespass, assault and rioting.

Vasco resident Ashfak Sheikh, who allegedly handed his car to the main accused during the demolition, was arrested in the wee hours and his vehicle spotted at the crime scene was also immediately seized. Later during the day, two bouncers -- Mohd Imran Salmani of Cortalim and Azim Kadar Shaikh from Vasco who were a part of mob that tried to demolish the structure -- were arrested.

A team of Anjuna police is currently camping in Mumbai to look out for Sharma. 

The case has been full of dramatic developments since the controversial demolition last Saturday with the government stepping in assuring to rebuild the house and even ordering an inquiry led by Chief Secretary. Chief Minister Pramod Sawant also announced transferring the case to CB for an “impartial probe”.

The Crime Branch has now begun a probe with further arrests made late Thursday evening. So far, three persons have been arrested with two in police custody, and one serving judicial remand.

“As per the formal order received from the authority, the Crime Branch has taken over the investigation of the ongoing Anjuna police station case. A 4-member SIT has been formed. Upon taking over the investigation and based on initial evidence different sections of the IPC have been applied,” SP had said during the early hours of Thursday.

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