Wednesday 18 Sep 2024

Attempt to burgle Canacona bank with gelatin sticks flops

Sound of blasts alerts neighbours, burglars flee

Attempt to burgle Canacona bank with gelatin sticks flops

One of the two large holes in the wall of a cooperative bank at Chaudi-Canacona.

Photo Credits: The Goan

An attempt to burgle a cooperative bank at Chaudi-Canacona by using gelatin sticks flopped late Friday night after the sound of the blast alerted neighbours and the burglars fled from the site.

According to sources, some unknown persons had planted 2 gelatine sticks on the outer side of the wall of the building, where the co-operative bank’s strongroom is situated.

The two gelatine sticks were reportedly lit at about 11 pm on Friday night.

The two blasts rocked the building, which incidentally, is located in a densely populated area in Chaudi which is filled with residential houses close to the NH66.

The two blasts shook up the locality and woke up a number of residents. Many of them ran out of their houses to ascertain the cause of the blasts. They noticed that two large holes in the wall of the building housing the cooperative bank.

Locals who reached the site within moments noticed a car speeding away from the site, and they suspected that the burglars may have escaped on noticing some people rushing towards the bank. The locals, however, could not identify the registration number of the car in the darkness.

The Canacona police were alerted and a police team rushed to the site. Two large holes were noticed in the wall, where the bank's strongroom is located.

Canacona police reportedly examined CCTV footage and noticed some persons entering the area at about 11 pm and going out of the camera frame a short while later. Police investigations are in progress.

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