PANAJI: Chief Minister Pramod Sawant has called on BJP workers and leaders to start preparing for the 2027 Goa Assembly elections. Speaking at the felicitation of newly elected and outgoing Mandal presidents, Sawant stressed the need for teamwork to secure a majority.
He urged the newly elected Mandal chiefs to focus on constituencies where the party does not have an MLA. "We need to start working today to ensure a victory in 2027," he said. Sawant also advised party members to avoid negative public comments and resolve issues internally. "Conflicts should be sorted within the party with senior members. Winning the elections is our priority," he added.
Sawant praised outgoing Mandal presidents for their efforts and asked them to guide the younger members. "There is a lot of work to be done at the Zilla and Morcha levels. Being a karyakarta is a big responsibility," he said.
He reminded workers about the upcoming Zilla Panchayat elections in December 2025 and municipal elections in March 2025. While focusing on the 2027 polls, he encouraged members to identify and strengthen areas where the party fell short in the past.
"This is not just about 2027; our vision should extend beyond that," Sawant stated, urging a united front to boost the party's position in Goa.