Wednesday 22 Jan 2025

Coastal authority yet to complete DGPS survey needed for CZMP 2019




The Goa Coastal Zone Management Authority (GCZMA) is yet to complete the digital global position system (DGPS) survey of the fishermen houses in the State -- a crucial survey required to be incorporated in CZMP 2019.

The DGPS survey, supposed to be completed within 120 days since its commencement in January, last year, is been delayed due to non-completion of identification process in Mormugao taluka.

The GCZMA appointed private agencies so far have mapped fishermen houses in Tiswadi, Bardez, Ponda, Salcete, Pernem and Canacona.

Speaking to The Goan, Environment Director Johnson Fernandes said that the identification and mapping of fishermen villages in Mormugao is pending. “The delay was basically due to the earlier appointed agency dropped the work mid-way and we had to appoint a new agency for the survey,” he said.

The survey is part of finalising Fishermen Community Plan, which would be incorporated as part of Coastal Zone Management Plan (CZMP) 2019.

According to GCZMA, Bardez taluka has got the maximum 83 fishing wards, followed by 47 in Canacona, 44 in Salcete, 34 in Mormugao, 22 in Tiswadi, 15 in Pernem and 12 in Ponda.

The Fisherman Community Plan, drafted by the experts from GCZMA, two years back, had identified 250 fishing wards falling within or adjacent with CRZ areas.

The Authority has identified a total 3,855 GPS points in 257 fishing wards. The GCZMA has made it clear that the final survey report has to be accepted by the Fisher Planning Committee (FPL), department of settlements and land records (DSLR) and local fisherman society before submission to the government.


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