CRZ VIOLATIONS: Post-SC order, onus on demolition squad to raze down illegal structures at Sernabatim

Activist raises concerns, says order will only add to South Goa list of structures awaiting demolition; wants authorities to seal premises pending demolition

THE GOAN NETWORK | JULY 27, 2024, 01:04 AM IST

As the Supreme Court has paved the way for the demolition of an illegal structure at Sernabatim-Colva for CRZ violations, the focus is back on the Goa Coastal Zone Management Authority (GCZMA) and the demolition squad, South Goa.

Reason: The order passed by the Apex Court upholding the order of the National Green Tribunal (NGT) to raze down the illegal structure at Sernabatim implies that it’s now the responsibility of the demolition squad to demolish the illegal structures.

For, if social activist Judith Almeida is to be believed, a couple of CRZ demolition orders have been pending before the demolition squad, and the latest Supreme Court order will only add to the list of illegal structures awaiting demolitions by the squad.

That’s not all. Judith has moved the GCZMA to seal the illegal structures at Sernabatim, which has been ordered to be demolished pending the demolition.

Judith further pointed out that there may be a couple of more cases where the GCZMA has ordered for demolition of structures, but the same has not been taken to its logical conclusion on the lame excuse that the parties have preferred an appeal before the Appellate courts.

The social activist, however, wondered whether the GCZMA or the demolition squad can hold back a demolition order when there is no stay from the courts against the demolition.

In such cases, where the appeals are pending before the Court, GCZMA Director Johnson Fernandes has made it amply clear that it is purely for the demolition squad to take a call on the execution of the demolition orders. “When the GCZMA issues an order for demolition and order is not stayed by a higher court, it is for the demolition squad to go ahead with the demolition. Why the demolition squad is not razing down the illegal structures when there is no stay on the demolition order is for the officers heading the demolition squad to answer,” he said.

Judith, however, demanded coordination between the authority issuing the demolitions and the agency authorised to execute the demolition orders. “Leave alone the orders which are challenged before the courts, we hope the demolition squad takes all orders, including the latest case cleared by the Supreme Court for demolition,” she said.

She added: “At least 2-3 demolition orders, which have been cleared by the courts are awaiting execution. I will do the follow up with the Deputy Collector, Margao who is in charge of the demolition squad.”

Meanwhile, the social activist has dashed off a letter to the Chairman/Member Secretary, Goa Coastal Zone Management Authority, with a request to direct concerned authorities to seal illegal structures at Sernabatim till the structures are demolished as per the court orders.

Judith has attached a copy of the Supreme Court order which has dismissed the appeal filed by the party from Sernabatim for the consideration of the GCZMA. She has requested the GCZMA to direct the authorities to immediately seal the three structures, i.e ground-plus-one structure besides two shops until the demolition takes place in Sernabatim.

In another move, the social activist has written a letter to the Sarpanch/Secretary, Village Panchayat of Colva to immediately cancel the house numbers, trade licences, besides all permissions, etc issued to the party in view of the Supreme Court upholding the NGT order for the demolition of the structures at Sernabatim.

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