Union Minister of State for Jal Shakti Bishweswar Tudu has said that the Detailed Project Report (DPR) of Kalasa Nala Diversion Scheme (lift scheme) and Bhandura Nala Diversion Scheme (lift scheme) of Karnataka have been found technically acceptable by Central Water Commission (CWC) from hydrology and inter-State aspects only, subject to strict compliance of certain conditions.
The Minister further said that utilisation permitted by the Mahadayi Water Disputes Tribunal (MWDT) for all three basin states is after taking into consideration the environmental flow in accordance with "Standard Terms of Reference for Environmental Impact Assessment or Environmental Management Plan Report for Projects or Activities Requiring Environmental Clearance under ELA Notification 2006" of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change published in April 2015.
The Minister was replying to an unstarred question raised by Rajya Sabha MP Luizinho Faleiro in the Rajya Sabha, seeking to know if the Minister will state the actual quantities of water diverted from the Mhadei Basin by Karnataka and Maharashtra.
Faleiro further raised questions about whether the government is aware of further attempts to divert the Mhadei water in Karnataka and the action the government has taken to stop the diversion of water from the Mhadei Basin to Malaprabha Basin and whether the government has approved the DPR of the state government of Karnataka.
He had also asked whether the government is aware of its repercussion on the six talukas in Goa and five wildlife sanctuaries dependent on Mhadei River and Bhimgad Wildlife, Mhadei wildlife, Bhagvan Mahavir Wildlife, Bondla Wildlife and Mahavir National Park?
In his reply, Minister Tudu said the states of Karnataka and Maharashtra have informed that no water is diverted from the Mahadayi basin.
He pointed out that as per the sub-clause (A) (ii) of Clause VIII & IX of Award and Final Decision of Mahadayi Water Disputes Tribunal as notified on February 27, 2020, the state of Karnataka is permitted to divert 2.18 TMC (61.8 MCM) of Mahadayi water at proposed Bhandura dam and 1.72 TMC (48.7 MCM) at proposed Kalasa dam only, subject to fulfilling the certain directions.
The Minister further said the Cabinet has accorded approval for the constitution of the Authority namely "Mahadayi PRAWAH" under the provisions of section 6A of the Inter-State River Water Disputes Act, 1956 for securing compliance and implementation of the decisions of the Mahadayi Water Disputes Tribunal.
On the controversial DPR, the Minister replied by saying that the DPRs of Kalasa Nala Diversion Scheme (lift scheme) and Bhandura Nala Diversion Scheme (lift scheme) of Karnataka have been found technically acceptable by Central Water Commission from hydrology and inter-State aspects only, subject to strict compliance of certain conditions.