The Cyber Crime Police have issued a fresh warning against joining random WhatsApp or Telegram groups that promise monetary rewards. The advisory comes in the wake of a case where in a 35-year-old lost Rs 7 lakh in a sophisticated task-based cyber scam.
The scheme, orchestrated via these messaging apps, began with small cash incentives for simple tasks but escalated to major deposits under the pretext of completing tasks.
"In October 2024, the victim (name withheld) was added to a seemingly harmless WhatsApp group. Initially, the tasks were simple, such as following WhatsApp channels and sharing screenshots with a 'Receptionist' named Chaya. For these tasks, the victim received Rs 150 via UPI, fostering a false sense of security. The victim was later moved to a Telegram group promising higher returns for more elaborate tasks,” SP Cyber Crime Rahul Gupta said explaining the modus operandi of the scamsters.
The fraud deepened when the victim was introduced to a “bounty task,” that required an upfront deposit for larger payouts. The SP stated that a Rs 2,000 payment led to guidance from a “Teacher” named Varun, who directed the victim to a fake trading platform. The platform displayed a balance of Rs 3,000, and the victim withdrew Rs 2,800 -- a calculated move by the scammers to build trust.
Soon after, the victim was enticed into higher-stakes “welfare tasks,” requiring a minimum deposit of Rs 5,000. The victim paid the initial amount, followed by Rs 22,000 and Rs 68,000. The scammers applied psychological pressure, warning the victim that failure to complete tasks would result in the forfeiture of prior payments.
The fraud spiralled further as the victim paid Rs 1,26,000 to complete a “repair task” and Rs 1,45,750 to reach a withdrawal threshold. Though the fake account now reflected Rs 6 lakh, the victim was asked for additional payments -- a “Merchant Protection Freeze” fee of Rs 2,35,000 and a 25 percent tax amounting to Rs 2,31,887.50. Requests to deduct the tax at source were denied under the guise of “international financial requirements,” ultimately breaking the victim’s trust.
Realizing the scam, the victim lodged a complaint with the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal.
“This modus operandi, known as 'task-based fraud,' preys on unsuspecting persons with the lure of quick money. It is a growing menace,” Gupta said adding the case is under investigation.