Dabur launches 2 new Ayurvedic products

The Goan Network | DECEMBER 08, 2022, 12:50 AM IST
Dabur launches 2 new Ayurvedic products

On the eve of 9th World Ayurveda Congress and International Arogya Expo in Goa, Dabur India Limited launched two products – Ratnaprash Sugarfree, a health restorative and Aampachak Kadha, an Ayurvedic digestive tonic for all.  

Announcing the launch Dr Durga Prasad Velidindi, head of marketing at Dabur India, briefed about the two products and their usage. Prasad also announced that Dabur India will be offering free consultation for all four days at the World Ayurveda Congress that’s starting in Panaji on December 11.  

“Dabur is sponsoring the four-day Arogya workshop this year. We will offer free consultation to whosoever walks in,” said the marketing head.  

Pointing out that India is leading in diabetes, Prasad said that this is a dangerous trend and a result of our sedentary lifestyle, food habits and no exercise schedule.

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