City-based businessman and thinker Datta Damodar Naik has moved the South Goa District and Sessions Court for anticipatory bail, fearing arrest by the Canacona police over his recent comments on temples and mutts.
The hearing on the bail plea will come up before the court on Thursday.
In his bail application, Datta has prayed that he may be granted bail in the event of his arrest by the Canacona police, on such terms and conditions as the court deems fit and proper. During the pendency of the present bail application, he has also prayed for interim bail.
In his application, Datta stated that a signed statement has been sent by him to the Canacona Police Station, affirming that he would cooperate with the investigation and appear before the police as and when required.
He further stated, “The fact that there was no malice or intent can be seen from the fact that even prior to the registration of the F.I.R., upon learning about the complaint filed by Satish V Bhat, I issued a clarification and ensured it was published on the front page of a Marathi daily, which has a wide circulation, particularly in the Canacona belt.”
He also said that he was publicly felicitated on 5 January 2025 at Vidhya Niketan Margao, where he expressed regret for hurting sentiments, if any, at any time.
Datta stated, “The use of the word ‘loot’ and the naming of ‘Partagal Math’ were clearly inadvertent and neither deliberate nor malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings. It was never an attempt to insult any religion or the religious beliefs of anybody.”