Despite rains, Goa in grip of unusual warm weather

THE GOAN NETWORK | JULY 05, 2024, 12:36 AM IST


The unusual warm weather conditions in Goa, even amidst ongoing monsoon rains, have raised concerns among scientists who attribute the phenomenon to environmental degradation.

Experts agree that human activities impacting the environment are the primary cause of the persistent heat.

Dr A K Saran, Senior Principal Scientist at the National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), emphasised the detrimental effects of human intervention on the environment.

“The earth on the land is parched so much that the moisture retention through the plants and trees has been significantly reduced. Human activities have severely impacted the soil's ability to retain moisture,” he explained.

The unusual warmth persists because the soil moisture has not been adequately replenished.

“For the surface (soil moisture) to cool, we need a very strong, active spell of rainfall, which has not occurred so far,” noted Dr Ramesh Kumar, a former meteorologist with the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) and a current scientist at NIO.

Dr Saran highlighted a worrying trend in night-time temperatures in Goa.

“For many years, the night temperature in Goa ranged from 22 to 23 degrees Celsius. Recently, it has suddenly jumped to 26 to 27 degrees Celsius. The land is not cooling down as it should. There is a change in the pattern of landward and sea breeze, which inhibits the exchange of heat, resulting in warmer conditions,” he said.

The loss of trees, which play a crucial role in maintaining moisture circulation in the air, has further exacerbated the issue.

“The trees that draw water from the earth and help maintain atmospheric circulation have disappeared. This has impacted not only Goa but the entire Western Ghats,” Dr Saran added.

The scientists' observations underline the critical need for environmental conservation to mitigate the impacts of climate change and restore the natural balance necessary for cooling the land.

As Goa continues to experience these unprecedented weather patterns, the call for sustainable environmental practices has never been more urgent.

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