Dump of mixed waste along Opinion Poll road in Margao turning into an eyesore

Questions to fore over use of heavy machinery to cap waste with mud

Dump of mixed waste along Opinion Poll road in Margao turning into an eyesore

Commuters and pedestrians alike have come across a strange activity along the Opinion Poll Square road at Old Market, Margao on the land acquired by Goa State Urban Development Agency (GSUDA) just metres away from the district Court building.

Trucks load of mixed waste, including vegetable and green waste, has been dumped on the acquired land over the last several days, turning the area into an eyesore and a dump yard. To cap the mixed waste, trucks have been working overtime to dump mud and soil over the waste. Heavy machinery has been found engaged in compacting the waste and the mud in a bid to level the dump and cover the mixed waste dumped underneath, throwing up a question of debate – whether the ongoing exercise of dumping mixed waste and capping the same with mud/soil conforms to the pollution control norms in force in the State.

In fact, this question is doing the rounds in the social media and amongst citizens whether indiscriminate dumping of mixed waste can be capped with mud/soil and whether such an exercise has any bearing on the ground water contamination.

A senior government official, who happened to pass by the Opinion Poll road during the weekend, raised a pertinent question whether the mixed waste dumping at the GSUDA land had the requisite consent and permission from the Goa State Pollution Control Board. If not, he said GSPCB Chairman Mahesh Patil and Member Secretary Dr Shamila Monteiro should step in to find out whether the mixed waste dumping and the subsequent capping with mud/soil to get the waste tested to certify the mixed waste poses no danger to the underground water table. “First and foremost, any dumping activity requires the prior consent of the GSPCB. In the instant case, whether permission was obtained from the Pollution Control Board before the dumping,” the official added.

In the past, the same site had kicked up a storm after city-based NGOs complained that mixed waste from Sonsodo was dumped at the place. The Margao Municipal Council, however, had maintained that the waste dumped at the site was not mixed garbage, but compost from Sonsodo.

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