Wednesday 11 Sep 2024

Entertainment hub plan in Panaji gets all clear



Despite the Expert Members raising a red flag to the Tourism department’s proposed Entertainment Hub at prime waterfront area Panaji Park-Mandovi Riviera- in the capital city, the Goa Coastal Zone Management Authority (GCZMA) has approved the project. 

The Expert Members, following a site inspection in March, had recommended that such “commercial projects, involving entertainment activities, cannot be allowed in the CRZ II area”. 

However, the GCZMA during its meeting held in July, approved the project stating that “as per the provisions of the CRZ notification, any structure towards the landward side of an existing authorised structure existing prior to 1991 is allowed and the authorised structure existing therein is that of the Directorate of Fisheries”. 

The Goan in its edition on June 21 had pointed out the various concerns raised by the Expert Members for the proposed project. 

The Goa Tourism Department has proposed a Entertainment Hub project on public private partnership model (PPP) at an area of 5500 square meters. The area, which was initially leased out to a private firm, was sealed and taken over in 2022, after its 27-year long lease period ended. The department has now proposed a commercial project in the heart of the city. 

In a fresh agreement signed on January 19, 2024, the department has already leased out the property to Riverfront Hospitality Pvt Ltd.

The GCZMA’s Expert Members had recommended that “the project being a commercial one, involving entertainment activities, does not require waterfront or foreshore facilities and hence this project is not allowed in a CRZ II area”. 

The members also observed that at the proposed site there exist numerous permanent structures and that the legalities of these structures need to be verified. 

The Authority, via a communication dated April 1, sought necessary documents like demolition plan for existing structures, NOC/Permissions with regards to the existing structures and other related documents. However, the department informed that the required documents were “not traceable in the office”. 

The project includes permanent structures with retail outlets, kitchen, toilets, restrooms, within CRZ II area. 

During the inspection, it was also noted that the department has requested Greater Panaji Planning and Development Authority to categorise the area as Special Commercial Zone, the decision, with regards to this, is pending. 

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