GKF mulls all-party panel to push Romi bills in Assembly


The Global Konknni Forum (GKF) on Sunday said it is in the process of forming a joint All Political Party Committee, to push the two Roman Konkani Bills in the Legislative Assembly of Goa. 

Forum President Kennedy Afonso said the All Political Party Committee of GKF will comprise of one willing representative (MLA), from each political party of Goa, and other prominent citizens, educationist, legal experts, who have played a key role to further the cause of Roman Konkani in Goa. “This collaboration can bring diverse perspectives and strengths, amplifying the voice of the Konkani community. In this regard, we are approaching certain individual MLAs from each party, who are willing to support the Roman script Konkani cause. If any party doesn’t give us their representative, we will go ahead with whichever party MLA supports the issue. So far some party MLAs have given us their commitment to join our new committee, and the new committee will be announced shortly,” he said.

He added: “The role of this All Political Party Committee is two-fold. First, to present the two Bills in the Assembly and ensure that the demands of the Konkani community are represented collectively, rather than as fragmented voices. Second, to liaise with the CM, MLAs, and the government to support the Bills in the Assembly.

Afonso said this is a strategic move by Global Konknni Forum, as the Official Language Act can only be amended by the MLAs. “To do this we need to have the numbers in the House to pass the Bills in the Assembly. A unified representation lends increased legitimacy and credibility to the movement, making it harder to ignore. The success of this move depends on this committee’s ability to navigate potential challenges, like managing diverse party interests, and build consensus, to effectively advocate for the Konkani community’s interests,” he said.

Saying that Konknni has a rich history, with various scripts used over time, and Romi script is used by a large segment of community in Goa, Afonso said that the language has produced significant literature over the past many years, and recognising Roman script Konkani will promote linguistic diversity, besides inclusivity.

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