Goa, other States draw NCZMA ire over delay in coastal plan



Expressing complete dissatisfaction over progress on drafting the Coastal Zone Management Plan (CZMP) 2019 by the coastal States, including Goa, the National Coastal Zone Management Authority (NCZMA) has decided to continue with non-issuance of CRZ clearance to new projects -- government as well as private -- based on CRZ notification 2011.

NCZMA during its meeting held on September 23, also reiterated that unless the CZMP is revised and updated, the provision of CRZ notification 2019 will not be applicable for the States and the CZMP as per the provisions of CRZ Notification 2011 will continue to be followed for appraisals.

NCZMA had pointed out that the progress in updation/revision of CZMP as per CRZ Notification 2019 by Coastal States is not satisfactory, despite the repeated directions from the Union Ministry for Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) issued in September and November 2023 and again in March 2024, to expedite the finalization of CZMP 2019.

The National coastal body also noted that despite NGT directions, the States are progressing at snail pace.

“Accordingly, NCZMA directed all coastal States, whose CZMP is yet to be finalised as per CRZ Notification 2019, must complete the same at the earliest,” it said as Goa made its submission that it will complete by January 2025 -- the only State to set deadline for the next year -- while all others have set October 2024 and December 2024 deadline.

During the meeting NCZMA pointed out that during its 46th meeting held on 01/08/2023 it had directed that if CZMPs as per CRZ Notification, 2019 are not submitted within given time-line of two months, no projects i.e. private or government should be considered for CRZ clearance as per CRZ Notification 2011 in such areas.

Further, NCZMA has suggested conveying an immediate meeting of all Principal Secretaries of the coastal States, under the chairmanship of Special Secretary, for necessary directions to expedite the updation/revision of CZMP as per CRZ Notification 2019.

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